Top 10
Slash Carbon Crossbow Bolts
Sizes: 20", 22", 24".
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TRUGLO® Hip-Shot™ Crossbow Shooting Rest
Length: Adjustable from 20" - 29".
Wt: 10 oz.
Cabela's Finality 390 Crossbow Package
Speed: 390 fps.
Power stroke: 13.68".
Draw wt: 185 lbs.
Length: 35.75".
Width: 16.13" cocked; 20.19" uncocked.
Wt: 7.2 lbs.; with accessories: 8.2 lbs.
Camo pattern/color: Cabela's O2™ Octane/Black.
Cabela's Finality 390 Crossbow Package includes: crossbow, illuminated scope, crank cocking device, side-mounted three-bolt quiver, three 20" Headhunter bolts, Talon crossbow sling, rubber butt pad extender, string dampeners and Evac decocking bolt.
Excalibur Charger EXT Crossbow Crank Cocking Aid
Everybody Chris Larson from crossbow expert calm I'm at the arrow show. Now this is the show before the show the ATA starts tomorrow but. We got a special sneak peek at. Some new products. And this is ex calibers new crank it's the charger ext. And the c2 will still be around but for the folks who really want the best of the best. When it comes to cranking their crossbow. This one's gonna be the. One now the charger ext is a totally silent crank it's also super compact I'm going to show. You how it works now. What you're gonna do to mount. This thing goes on your Excalibur crossbow you'll see. These two holes in the stock. And there's a bracket. That goes on their if your Excalibur doesn't have those two holes in. It don't worry there're directions on how to retrofit your particular crossbow but. This one here we've already got. That bracket mounted on the stock. And this just slides on very simply very easily it's gonna lock into place it's good set. And what we're gonna do is push the release we're gonna slide. These hooks down our rope goes right back here same spot our rope Cocker would go in my belly got. That caught up there. And all we're gonna do a slider handle in. Now here we're gonna push the cock. And we're gonna just crank. This crossbow up very simply takes about 12 pounds of effort to cock. It we're cocked do with just a half a turn. And we're let the pressure off take our handle off come up hook.
It back up and we're cocked. And ready to go now. You can hunt with this on no problem but. If you want to take. This off during your hunt that's not a problem. Either let's pull that off we're off we're ready to go hunting so at the end of the hunt. One of the great things about annex caliber crossbow is. That you can decock your crossbow. You can D cock it with. This crank as well now. If you like to d cock with your rope Cocker. You can do that but. If you want to do with the crank you're gonna just slide. It back on we're gonna put our hooks on we're gonna put our handle in their take a little pressure up we're in fire we're gonna just pull the trigger.
And now we're gonna do. That's the anti dry fire. That I just pressed down take our handle off slide. These up and just like. That we're de cocked we're ready for our next. One so this is the charger ext crank from Excalibur it's a totally silent crank 12 pounds of pressure to cock your crossbow so. If you're struggling to cock your crossbow it's gonna be a great solution for you. It is — $2999 but it's a totally silent crank that's a very good price for these silent cranks they're coming out in the market right. Now check it out at crossbow expert com.
TenPoint Pro Elite Omni-Brite-Ready Bolts – Per 3
Featuring removable nocks, TenPoint's Pro Elite Bolts are OmniBrite-Ready. Simply remove the yellow nocks and slide the OmniBrite 2.0 lighted nock system in its place and you're ready to track your shots like never before. Comes with 100-gr. Field tips. Per 3.
Shaft: 10.5 gpi.
Total arrow wt: 4.25 gr.
Length: 20".
Straightness factor: ± .003".
Wt. tolerance: 10.5 gpi.
Nocks: Omni-Nock.
Easton® 20" Full Metal Jacket Bolts
Grim Reaper Crossbow Broadhead – Per 3
Designed for and tested at speeds over 400 fps, Grim Reaper broadheads deliver hard hits and devastating penetration. High-strength stainless steel blades with a massive 1-1/2" cutting diameter. Per 3.Wt: 100 gr., 125 gr.
This video was brought to. You by Yamaha proven off-road ATVs. And side-by-sides evils I'm Matt Bateman I'm the National Sales Manager here with grim reaper broad heads with two thousand nineteen eighty a show been working hard. This year several new broad heads to go along with our already extensive line. And fix mechanical Ivor type rottenness, so I'm going to show a couple of those new ones. And give them a look so. One new thing we did. This year moving down to the broad heads here is. We have a whole new line of micro hybrids in our Pro Series line. They got our pro tip stand. It out in front of the blades like. All Grim Reaper's so. You can shoot on any angle. And not get deflection the sharpest tip on the market. You can drop it in the wood. And it's going to stick. We went to our small inch of 16th fixed-blade we're getting tremendous accuracy out of. That out of any speed. Several mechanical cut version of the micro hybrid. This is the inch and three-eighths cut mechanical rated for compound. All compound bows I also do. That in an inch and a quarter cut. Both of a 100-125 grain. Ialso have a crossbow version of the micro high bid. One an inch and a half cut diameter. Ialso have a two-inch cut in 125. That are rated specifically for crossbows which shot them up to 470 feet per second super accurate.
And Stan shot so that's the new micro hybrid line not shown here are a couple different mechanical cut options but. All support that inch. And 16th fixed blade. And our pro tip one of my personal favorites. This year this is the mini mag we're calling it's a four blade mechanical with our inch. And a quarter cut it was really beefed up. This pro tip here so you've got. This drilled beefed up tip. And ferrule for just extreme durability. And impact on bone and then. We have for mechanical blades an inch. And a quarter cut so a little scaled down from Arcane four little beefier shorter stouter ferrule get. That compact design for accuracy for durability. And then that shorter blade it's just super tough that's an inch.
And a quarter cut for blade so two. And a half inches a total blade service. All packed into this small compact tough design so that's the new mini mag available 100. And 125 great for crossbows specific. We also have this is new in our proline is a 2-inch cut 2 blades the reason we've gone to a 2 blade design on. This model with our original whitetail special 2 inch cut. We can't keep three blades clothes out of the really fast crossbows so with two blades on our spring system. We can keep it shut out of. Any speed so we've also tested. That in the upper four hundreds to inch cut to blade available 100 125. And 150 grain that's a crossbow rated broad head for any crossbow on the market can be shot out of a standard compound as well, but we're calling it the 2 inch 2 blade crossbow model so that's that's new for this year last.
One I'm going to show. You here is a four blade inch. And three-eighths Pro is slightly bigger. What I showed you in the mini mag attention 3/8 for blade design got. This wetback blade angle which is different. Than the carnivore that has the. More bumped out blade angle got for swept-back inch. And 3/8 blades beefed up ferrule. And tip for durability. And again not Pro Series models stick in the wood last. Ilied there's this is the whitetail Extreme it's the largest total blade surface hunter grain brought out on the market it's a 2-inch cut by inch. And a half cut mechanical three. And a half inches of blade surface it's really designed for real high-energy compounds on whitetail sized deer. And turkey food comes in hunter. And 125 grain that's for you guys have to have. That giant cut for turkeys. You have enough energy to shoot. It on whitetail you can but that's the whitetail extreme so again thanks for checking out our stuff here at the ATA show.
You want more information about our products we'll have. These up on our website at wwlpcom.
Ravin .001'' Lighted Bolts – Per 3
Length: 20".
Straightness factor: ±.001".
Wt. tolerance: ±4 gr.
Plano® Manta Crossbow Case
38.75"W x 33.125"-44.75"L x 13.126"H
Today we're going to be talking I did not product from Easton called race. Or not okay so here's. We install the knot very simply. You just slide it in the rear of the shaft. And press it in actually. It presses in real hard. You will need to press. This against the table. Something hard to seat. All away but there you don't need. Any glue anything and. You want to support them to different arrows. You can't pull them out with a pair of pliers the nice thing about. This nocks is you have the ability to turn. This knocked off and on so. You can shoot this arrow. All summer long and never have the light come on. And then come hunting season. When you're understanding you activate. This nocks just by waving it over a magnet. It turns and it's ready to go than by shooting it over. That magnet it activates the knot so. It turns on after the shot but again real easy to install no glue needed. You just press it in the back of shaft. And we're gonna go downstairs in the basement. Where it's a little bit darker.
And shoot this thing for you. And show it works this knocking system does have an off-and-on switch. You do need to install. This little magnet which. They give you two little velcro pieces to install. You do need to mount. It somewhere on your bow riser fairly close to. Where the arrow is going to pass by, so I'm going to mount mine right here on the side of the riser. They give this little velcros piece. That way you could take the magnet off. You chose to do so and there it's mounted on the side it's out of the way of the arrow. And we're ready to go here okay here's. We activate the trace. You turn the off and on switch the first thing we're going to do is bring the arrow to the magnet. It will blink one time hold. It there for five seconds. It will blink twice. And then immediately pull. It off the magnet you'll get four blinks. And then the on switch has been activated okay. Now the arrows activated the next time.
This arrow passes by the magnet it'll remain lit like so after its remain lit for about 10 to 15 seconds the nock starts to blink. Now to deactivate this knot. You have to do is slide. It by arrow it'll shut off. It still set in the go mode here so. You shop this arrow again the nock would turn right back on but. You want to turn it off altogether so. You could practice with. And not use battery life bring the arrow back to the nock. It lights up a few seconds later it'll blink remove. Now the arrows ready to go won't turn on. It will flash to let. You know that battery's still good but. It won't stay continuously lit so let's put. This on the crossbow shoot. And show it looks in flight, so we've got our arrow. All loaded, and we've got our target downrange there.
We are in a dark basement but that'll just help show the nock. And flight so we're going to shoot. That target down there I'll show. This thing works as. You can see the knock is. Now in blink mode and it'll stay like. That for about 90 hours so it'll give. You plenty of time to help. You find your arrow. If the arrow stays in the deer hopefully it'll give. You time to find your deer so that's. It that's the tracer not from Easton. And guys if you're not hunting with a lighted nock. Idon't care if the tracer knock the lumenok the fire nock you're missing out. Because not only are. They a valuable tool to help. You find your arrow. Or find your animal they're just flat-out cool. And they're fun to shoot so give them a try.
Cabela's Crossbow Quick Sling
Color/camo pattern: Black, Cabela's Outfitter Camo™.