Top 22
Offshore Angler™ Sea Lion™ Conventional Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Offshore Angler™ Sea Lion™ Rod and Reel Spinning Combo
The powerful Offshore Angler Sea Lion Spinning Reel uses a 5-bearing system to assure smooth performance and includes Powerlock™ instant anti-reverse. This dependable workhorse boasts a rotor, frame, and sidecover of graphite. To fight corrosion, the aluminum spool is double anodized, the drive gear is zinc alloy, and the main shaft is stainless steel. Once the hook is set, this reel uses a fiber and stainless steel drag stack to provide a maximum drag of up to 35 lbs. Other features include an anodized machined aluminum handle, a solid stainless steel bail wire, and an oversized, hard-chrome-plated line roller, all of which assure a long service life.
Our Sea Lion Spinning Rod uses a 2-piece, tubular, E-glass blank for superior strength. The rod sports stainless steel guides with aluminum-oxide inserts to reduce friction and increase casting distance. A graphite reel seat features cushioned, corrosion-resistant, stainless steel hoods. EVA grips ensure a comfortable grip throughout a long day of fishing.
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

hi everybody Chuck Stevens here at Bass Pro Shops want to introduce you to our new combo called the tight lines it's from Bass Pro Shops and offshore angler
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Tiger Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Offshore Angler™ Ocean Master® Travel Casting Rod
Shimano® Tallus® Blue Water EC Series Conventional Rods

Hey guys today I'm reviewing the Shimano talus Bluewater series ride so. This is a really nice rod about. This about 460 bucks. Ihave a medium heavy version it's made from Shimano's tc4 blank construction so it's really light. And powerful my toughest training or. That matter this nice little butt tap. Ithink that's what they're called. You know you can put. That past it's good all-around why they. Even use for jiggy music for popping its. This is the six-foot nine versions since. Idon't like fishing long rods especially after the boat I've got money with. This thing and it's held up very well. Inever felt like I was gonna lose the fight. Ifelt solid through. And through I had a pair of a dial. Or PG 8000 of the way. It just looks amazing I don't know. You can really see it there. It looks amazing thank. You guys for watching bye.
Offshore Angler™ Gold Cup Inshore Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Offshore Angler™ Inshore Extreme® Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Shimano® Trevala Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Raided out six three medium. And right yes we're using 50 pound fluorocarbon leaders. We got bottle wine Don's on. This light on leaders. They come with their about 20 questions long blue too long for G. Ikeep them at about 10. Or 11 feet at the you don't really need. That the main thing with the fluorocarbon sufficiency. It but also jig Coleen. Ican show how to dig. That power probe she's 50 pound has roped in diameter which allows. You to fish better it goes through. And there's a lot less resistance on the line so. You can drop it down quicker. You can fission smaller to take by your jig. More condition that Jake serves to go. That way it's eating so far away from the boat you're not going to yield. Ideal with the bitch straight up. And down a little bit different butterfly jigging balls a little bit differently. These flat balls as.
They have a different thin shape as. They go down really fast drop. It in a straight crease cool as. They go down and catch currents. They wander — thanks so. They actually that's why the name is a butterfly king so you'll notice as you're dropping down. You get down there and you'll feel. This poke you're on out. It in gear there's not a lot of upsetting capability on. You don't eat your fish. And almost straight power probe there is no stretch so. That much is like wait for stretch normally see from mono filament on a pillow. This big classic line so. You have very little stretching out the lines not moving its pretty much straight so. You don't have a lot of looks. You power but you don't need. That G calls down there. You get to the bottom then it's a retreat.
Now it's a different retreat it's not. This it's I can try. This it's more like. This just that slice. This 621 so you ain't about thirty. And six inches for crank so. Everyone turn is three feet push the chagi is. Ican explain the line a little bit. That three feet you make your 10 turns your thirty-six feet off the bottom so. You're in that zone drop back down the benefit of. This line as you can see. This is the depth under it's got colors on. Everything it is colored every 25 feet. It changes color so. If Mark says hey I got a meter mark. You yellow at a hundred feet. You can go down say four colors five colors.
That stay within that range so you're staying in there so you're not going to kill yourself by going down 400 feet driven. It up to the surface 400 feet. It actually you pay attention. You get your first bite. You just look down and okay it's green. Igot bitten the green so. That you're starting get bitten in the green. You know okay I get orange probably not getting bit. You drop back down it drop two colors cut back in gear for a night send retrieve its kind of like a just like. You want that can be Iran not to do. You wanted to do you want to state load. This jig as it comes up the water column. And still eat this Emmer eyes watch Bass master Classic those guys Thrones arrows boobs on the surface same scenario but vertically up the water columns. It to do that that kind of gives them a hypnotic lift. They get really good it's pretty fun fishing we get hit it's a it's a different strike but it's a possible strike see here what's up.
Iwant up here we're in sync yeah it's a little bit different setup here. You got your uh butterfly jigs. Or your flat bowl that a 168th so as. You can see its kind of funky shape goes down kind of pretty goofy colors but. All know yellow tail like the poopy colors so it's a chrome on. One side you got your pink yellow your blue pink color Jade there I'm rather sending a bill so with. These break these up. They break up a little bit differently there's no trouble. Anything of that nature. You have a slippery it's. All yeah but they also have. You rate my brother please hi yeah. Ijust want to drop. It down again you can use. One hook or two hooks kind of. You two ups work really well. One hook it usually doesn't matter too much. You know if they're biting their bike so. What we do is you got your stinger hook like so. You guys have been pitching you've probably seen. This in magazine throw your stinger hook. You got split ring you got a solid clean pretty complicated but really you've got your there's clearing crop pliers so.
You rig the lower for the top backward so it's a little different. What you normally see so. You get your split rating open. It up put it through the eye in front. Icome back around so. Now you're 50% rate then. You take your solid rain ready do. That wide open bite yeah but. You know and it's pretty quick. You want it for you to well I'll show. You the benefit on a wide open but I'm gonna show. Something here that it's gonna blow your mind so. Something other rods gonna be rigged up. Or yes yeah well that's. What we're gonna do the seed we're going to finish up breaking up. Everything so we don't have to like pick up throw. It in the bud and try to decide no. That low I'm all rigged up for grab. And go yeah just to let. You guys know all the Shimano stuff is on the Valliere on the port side of the boat right there so.
You can grab you get your solid ring you got your split ring as well split ring salary in the solid ring you put your stinger hood just like you'd normally do to go through the hook back through looping around just like so. And we're on one just Julia we're going to put two. You take once it's rigged up sat on the ring can't really see it's on the solid ring yep on the sovereign goes like. That alright okay there's a benefit of why it's like. That — I'll show you then. We use the site something the same length. And the hooks already. You stagger like use along no. Iuse same size when the fish eats. That there it's so boiling it doesn't matter yeah. Iwill say this certainly hooks make the baits do certain things that's kind of the club are dodging you figure out.
What it works some are longer. You have a bait jigging longer. One may be better you have a smaller jig thank. These five odds for those jigs were going to addition tomorrow from. This 168 up to 224 and up to down to 140 is. This is the size of do. You just tie it on you're gonna be tying it to the solid ring thank. When it's mutts it's. All tied up five chocolate so. It should lay just like. It falls so it falls people move forward they'll come out. It allows the jig to do. Whatever wants the cool thing is. You hang a yellow it's got no leverage. Because you're tight lift. It up so he can do. Whatever wants what it wants. If the fish is really good I'm not kidding the pendency there's a bunch of time to have landed. Both bump I've got two. Or three yellows OGL is at a time quite often you'll get. You always lose them. Because by the time. You realize that you've got the finish it's up to gap. One freaks out and rips off but. It does happen they don't fight.
Any harder all they're doing is pulling with. Each other up to the surface so that's the whole butterfly jig right there.
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Bigwater Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Shimano® Teramar Southeast Inshore Casting Rods
Designed with the performance features to match the Southeast fishing region. A versatile rod you can use when plug casting for snook or tarpon fishing under passes. TC4 construction is sensitive and strong. Equipped with Fuji®’s Concept lightweight Hardloy® high-grade aluminum oxide guides for greater sensitivity, castability and decreased line wear. Blanks are constructed by wrapping a double inner horizontal layer of advanced, dynamic fibers with an inner and outer spiral of high-modulus graphite for an extremely crisp action. Each rod also has lightweight Fuji Exposed Blank reel seats with a blank-exposed area where your finger is in direct contact allowing maximum sensitivity and stability. All rods feature a Limited one-year warranty.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Bigwater Stand-Up Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Penn® Carnage II Boat Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

We're talking penguins right. Now and carnage two hot topics here at the Penn booth tonight gasps mm. It was my crisis happened. And everything tell. Us about the new coordinates yeah. We offer a wide range of prevention advanced manners very similar to the other rods. Idon't like that but it's very thin die in their lightweight very strong. And a little bit more parabolic accent would. You see that just to be able to his brains have a little. More reaction time a little very wide range main reason to pay for food. You guys with of our planet Earth. You can see their own but the conventional you've got the conventional model there. This is the spinner machined aluminum calculated proceeds really nice double locking home so. It really cinches down tight. This is really cool. Because a lot of times you're fishing and it's so annoying when. You get that that not to back up. And it always happens on fish so it's.
One of those dreaded things. And you don't want to worry about. That the double locking nut. It makes it always happening so. You see both but the spinning actually is the same machine in the real estate. You can see the shrink wrap the fore grip here with the tire tread grip down here. You can feel if this in your hand really nice fingers four fingers lock into those screws did. You support I know. When that gets wet juice. All that stuff it just still exactly really cool. And then wonderful other feature here on the rod. You can see we just. We listed out the recommended real size down here the recommended braid course. We recommend spinal wire braid with. All of our products but just making it easy for the consumers to get the information. If they don't get it there. We also listed down here on the gimbals which isn't a machined aluminum. This is really cool check.
This out get in here. This is nice that's. You always see those hop on the boat. And it's like the gimbals caps are rolling all over but. You have all the ratings there's our spider wider rating right there 30 to 80 pounds we've got your rod specs right here awesome very cool so. These you may available September 2014 so 10 for 2015. This is going to be. One certainly want to add to the dorsal. When the time of the grab Mike thanks for showing us the new carnage to boat ride do. You guys have any questions on. This rod or anything else check out our website at comm they're on there. And you can buy them in September.
St. Croix Mojo Salt-Series Conventional Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Penn® Ally Bent Butt Trolling Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Northup em booth we are talking bent but rods we've got the new ally been fought they've got a couple different variations. That might rise from Penn it's going to go over wings today in. It so pretties narrow assortment here, but we've got to bed many rollers a lot of guys like the mid-season spread with their straight rods you're seeing a lot of these rods being pushed down. And Dennis you know on the big fish big tuna up in here area sometimes it's just nice to fish with assortment. That really gives you a lot. More leverage so you can see here there's a pack babe machine obviously a metal Kimble we've got pack Bay machined aluminum rollers so. These are starting to show hallmark a really high quality machined aluminum roller. And then in the middle reason Fuji turbo guys so very high quality. And it's a fiberglass blank which is. What you would expect on a bet. What Rolly rod but a very thin diameter likely check out the tip here too you'll see. That fake tip as well. What I love about this guide configuration it's longer but obviously long then but for your deep drop. And that's so you can use. It rights out of the gum just to make sure. That your real hasn't up screen the gunnel the handle has enough clearance. You can see a very similar guide configuration. Some reason easy term is up here. And then the wonderful thing is pack. They actually designed for penn proprietary swivel tip which is really a nice piece of clean up position fully machine. And obviously swivels 180 degrees under 80 degrees like you'd expect from. Any time for launch so. These aren't coming up $250 retail they're going to be noble sincerity that's the best part price point that's really awesome.
We have a fiberglass entirely yeah full fiberglass plank. You can tell you can tell. Many flexes is a lot of give very powerful play likes. This set off about halfway through the plank that's great Mike thank. You so much to turn. This with us today. These are going to be available on our website Wednesday September 2015. You can check it out then.
St. Croix Mojo Surf Spinning Rod
Get your mojo on with St. Croix’s new line of surf rods. Engineered to deliver exceptional performance, the rods use premium-quality SCII graphite blanks fitted with special, weight-saving surf guides with zirconium rings for improved casting distance and pinpoint accuracy. Sloped guide frames reduce line tangles. Offset ferrules on the two-piece models make the rods perform like they were one-piece. Custom X-wrap handles provide uncommon style, enhanced durability and improved function. Two coats of Flex Coat slow-cure finish repel saltwater. Fuji® DPS reel seats and black hoods. Five-year limited warranty.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

They said they don't anymore Ido wish it was a little bit longer. What this rod is very nice. Igot into a two-and-a-half-hour fight with the big stingray on the beach. That unfortunately I didn't land 10 feet in the wash so upset about. That but this robs held up great on. That sting that real works out just in case. Any questions about. This is school with 40-pound cast King braid. This brown is really nice first thing to the name the only thing I don't like about. This rod is how it's a 30/70 split into two pieces. Ijust wish it was a little bit. Even maybe closer to 40 60 50 50 foot medium power fast action.
Offshore Angler™ Power Stick™ Stand-Up Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Bigwater Surf Spinning Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Bigwater Surf Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Penn® Carnage™ II Surf Spinning Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Tsunami Airwave Surf Spinning Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Welcome to Florida surf fishing want to do a gear review mostly the rod. Iuse often if not every day on the surf I've tried. Many rods different brands in. Some other area they're just too heavy. Or the to light the tip is too light want to be able to throw a wide range of lures. Everything from a port around Spock tail to a two-ounce buck tail want to be able to throw. It with confidence and also be able to work the lure properly the rod. That I've come up with recently is made by tsunami which is part of Bimini Bay Outfitters. And it's a 9 foot 6 inch surf rod two-piece. Ithink it's a 70/30 split top piece is much longer. Than the bottom piece. It has performed exceptionally well for me with large fish. Even fish very close in the trough sometimes actually in the wash. Ican really cast it up far. Ineed to I can throw on a 2 ounce cast master. Or a 2 ounce Hopkins look. Ican get out past that first bar works really great I've messed. It up with a pen SB 5500. Ihave 330 yards of 30 pound test line why so much you'll hook a target. Some of these tarpon are pretty big out there. You need every yard. That 330 yards to get a shark that's reasonably sized maybe under 5 feet you'll need those 300 yards away. You get a big shark its sayonara there's no way you're going to bring it in. Iusually just grab the spool. And break them off I realize there's no way. Ican control the fish. Idon't want to lose. All my line go back to the truck get. Another rod it doesn't make. Any sense so today that's. It my favorite rod right. They are MSRP is $199. You can certainly get them at 149.
Even less I paid substantially less for it got. It on sale with a coupon love those coupons. And that's about once again small large nice size rod lightweight thin quality components UGK guides stainless steel reel seat doesn't look not loose. You can make your short casts. And fish you can make your long cast.
Penn® Carnage II Surf Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.