Top 23
Bass Pro Shops® Johnny Morris® Patriot® Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Fenwick® HMG® Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Hey guys okay got another quick video for you I'm fighting the cold so bear with. Ijust wanted to show. You my main pipe rod know we're in the pike fishing season I've been out. Several times already. This has got to be one of my favorite rods. If not my favorite rod. This is the Fenwick HMG old school rod. That graphite the pattern of. That's kind of old school. This is a heavy rod up to. What does one quarter to. One ounce in a quarter so it's a heavy rod it's meant for pike fishing I've got. Igot to pair it up with a similar colored Plunger president XT with 30 pound power Pro braid. This is the backbone of my pike fishing this rod here. Ihave caught — over 20 pounds. This rod the fore end. And handle is about 20 inches 21 inches its kind of thinner profile. Then a lot of the heavier pipe rods it's not an inshore rod so it's not heavy like. You could see right here I've worn the cork in quite a bit. And I'm probably gonna have. That recourse I don't want to let go with. This rod cost it wasn't too bad. It was 129 I bought. Ibought it probably in 2008. Ihave got a brand-new HMG same rod it's a light heavy technically but. It goes up to 1 ounce so it's nearly identical but the newer rod. All carbon and it's its a great run. It might even surpass. One as my favorite I'll do. Another mini on that later but. This old-school look of. This rod this has caught. Many and other fish. Even tell you but a lot of people don't like. Because it's actually a real stiff rod it's a fast tip.
All my pike rods are fast hip there. You go seven foot heavy. One quarter to and a quarter ounce. Ialways use thirty pounds braid so but. This rod is like a pool cue with a fast tip so but I'm fishing for big Pike. This is a lure rod I'm not using live bait with. This rod I'm throwing I'm throwing spinner baits swim baits. Anything up to ounce. And a half I'm throwing with. You hook into a big pike. Icaught a 40 inch or last year. That was about 15 pounds. That was my big one for last year. This thing will manhandle fish. That size it doesn't look. Isaid it's not an inshore rod. It doesn't have that beefy look then an inshore rod has. You know it's got a trimmer look but. It is super strong with. You can see the color I've.
This is I've used this rod so much. That the starting to get a green it's well it's coming out as green well it's actually peeling or discoloring the black rod blank look. Ifished this rod like correct. This is my workhorse. And it's its just a great ride. They still made them with. This old-style graphite blank but the new. One is awesome — I really like them. They want to have to do a video on. That I'm a big Fenwick fan. Ihave five or six Fenwick rods. You know they don't have the. Ilike Saint CROs -. Some st croix tend to be pricey. Whenever I get a really pricey rod inevitably. These things aren't as fragile anyway that's. If you're gonna do some pike fishing and.
You want a decent rod for a decent price in fact the new HMG is 90 bucks so. You pair that with. This was $100 reel but. You know we get a $200 outfit that's gonna last. You a long time it's still quality. You know you don't have to spend $500 to get a quality set up so yes. Ihighly recommend if you're going to be out piped fishing and pick. One of these up and I'll do a video on the newer. You can see that looks like. All right happy fishing.
St. Croix Premier® Series Casting Rods
Lighter, faster and stronger. St. Croix has redesigned its popular Premier Casting Rods in a successful attempt to make an already great fishing rod even better. The result is sensitivity, handling and performance taken to a new level. And, with a handsome glossy black pearl finish, these rods look as good as they fish. They still feature quality components such as Forecast® aluminum-oxide guides, Fuji® reel seats and premium-grade cork handles. Five-year warranty. Made in USA.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Fenwick® Eagle Salmon/Steelhead Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
St. Croix® Mojo Bass Glass Casting Rods
- Target Cranker: Shorter in length, ideal for precision casting to specific points of cover and structure.
- Crankster: An all-arounder for casting a vairety of cranks with effeciency.
- Big Crankster: Big, deep-diving cranks require a big rod for proper action while saving precious energy.
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Yo what's going on you tubers hope. You been here I just do. Another little video like. Iusually do and today showing off. Though a little toy. Ibought myself go ahead. And show this thing off I'm in freakin love with. This thing and I cannot wait to take. It out to the lake it out I've never owned. One in my life but wanted. Ifound the halfway not really good deal but a decent deal. And a way to get some off of. This is the st Croix mojo bass rod it's for one. And jig it's their 6 foot 8 medium heavy fast action. This is the new version. They have a Gen 1 image into. This is the newer one with the SC 3 graphite it's the IPC technology in. Idon't really truly know. What the IPC is get. Some really good eyes in. It too it's not the Fuji eyes like. Some real high ends but. These are pretty nice and. This is like I said the medium heavy action is 6 foot 8. They usually use they come 6 foot 6.
And then for some reason. This year they went to 6 foot 8. Something with the fast action on the end. It helps with setting the hook. And basically just getting the feel. Everything like and like. You can't go wrong with st Croix. You guys know anything about st Croix drums they're freaking expensive. This thing here was a hundred. And thirty bucks plus tax but. They had a deal like. Isaid on Bass Pro Shop for their Spring Classic. You brought in any raw do. You get a discount off of. This thing being 130 135 bucks. You trade it in a rod. It didn't matter what it was. It could have been just as long as. It worked all the eyes was on. Everything like they donate. It to Boy Scouts and boys clubs. And stuff like that for kids to go fishing and anyway. Itraded they took off 25. Or 30 bucks off this rug which made. It basically a hundred plus. And yeah like I wanted. One for a these things are mean. Imean they're like.
Some of the best on the market. They make even better ones like. Some st croix rods. Or are like three four hundred dollars. Iwasn't about to do. That but I've always wanted. One like this a really good bass rod for me personally. And yeah that's it the mojo bass like. This is a six-foot eight medium heavy action. Or medium heavy fast action IPC technology supposed to be. Something new with the blanks. They make a st Croix bass X. And it's the sc2 graphite. This is supposed to be better graphite. More reliable and the thing doesn't weigh a couple ounces like. This Pole probably only weighs. Idon't know five Allen dinners on. This super freakin line it's. And it's crazy how light. It is but uh you're basically. And it's so balanced it's unreal but anyway that's. It wanted to show it off can't wait to take. Some bass fishing it's going to slap the L lose lazer Pro speed spool on.
You guys can see had. This for a while I've only fished with. Few times actually I went to start fishing with. Some fishing that spring and then. That had I had to quit doing everything and go down. And my sister's a long time. We go this reel is just basically brand-new it's just been sitting around, so I'm gonna slap. That on there and take. This spring but anyway that's. It that's the new fishing rod cannot wait to take. This bad way and yeah let. What you guys think Thanks
G.Loomis® E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Oh here's my favorite Looms rods that's right the jig worm rods right. And check it out there's probably two very critical things. When you're fishing a jig. Or a warm one of them. You want sensitivity. You take that rod and throw. That jig out there you want to feel. It comes through or lay down. Or over a rock pile. You want that thing to Telegraph right to your hand the other thing is. You feel that bite don't-don't-don't. You want all the power in the world to crack. That fish he bites basically. Whenever I'm throwing a jig. Or a warm all day long. You want uncompromising performance. You want that rod to be balanced so at the end of the day you're just not dragging around. It comes to Looms jig warm rods in my mind. It comes to perfection.
Abu Garcia® Veritas® Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

the rod has come the raw file the game also get. It rod sleeve for it they're gonna send. Is a big white pipe with no rod. We did not buy for me baby by the way. Idon't know why there's eBay tape on. It mr OTT sleeve this is great. This is super light. Even with the packaging stronger. Idon't know why this is. He be on it Now the Abu Garcia Veritas 20. This is on to the seven-foot medium heavy action right there is a micro guide system. Isuppose he's nitty-gritty tiny micro God's which. Ipersonally like but. Some people don't but. All depends on what you referred fish with. And the micro guides sometimes cost. More but this rod they didn't seem to cost. What the other rods are going for it also features the spiral carbon core Cecily got the clicking lock for your reals so. When the efficient your real didn't come loose. While you're reeling something new features 30 ton graphite blink. This rod also has eleven highlights. Ireally like the real seat is super comfortable. Both of your fingers are exposed to give. You my sensitivity it also has the e VA foam handles unlike the cork ones.
That will sometimes crack. Ialso bought a micro guide bait casting rod cover for it too just to protect those micro guides. And just make sure they don't come off. When I'm transporting the rods. If you're interested in knowing what all. That stuff means like spiral carbon core. And micro guide system. Everything that specifies right there just about the veritas. And then this is the information about the spiral carbon core. You could pause and read. If you'd like this tells. You about the micro guides. And the advantages about having those that's a Spanish. That is a very tight-fitting rod cover. You can see right there it's just barely enough clearance for the little micro guides to fit in so that's cool. This is about how far the rod cover comes to the end of the rod right here.
This rod normal price is somewhere around $100. It for $200 it just depends on where. You bought from as to. What price you'll pay for it so my final thoughts on the Bou garcia Veritas 20 is super lightweight. It looks actually pretty well-designed to. And constructed so that's. We got for this video guys thanks for watching and leave the little on your screen. And let's see in the next. You like our new shirt.
St. Croix Mojo Muskie Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Cabela's Fish Eagle Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Welcome back to Americana outdoors picking the right fishing rod for your application could be the key to successful fishing but. You walk in the store. Or shop online it's not always easy. When there are hundreds of rods to choose from. You pick one for your application with no understanding of what. That rods going to do without. Some background information that's. One of the coolest things about the Cabala's XML rod series is the Cabala's Pro Staff has spent a lot of hours on the water helping to design technique specific actions to the entire rod lineup so. That maybe not for all of. It but for most of you can just simply pick. That rod and know that you've got. What you're looking for and head out on the water. And find success with the exact application. You needed that fishing rod forward. You start looking from tip to the rod button on the xml series Raj you're looking at guides. That are designed to help. You have a you know longer distance cast, but they're also going to be designed to be able to stand up to the punishment of fishing.
That you're going to be putting them through. You know bass fishing is pretty hardcore hand in combating a lot of scenarios. You go down a little bit further the reel seats are designed to handle reels. And be able to really cinch them down. And to handle the torque to handle the pressure to handle the situations. You can be using while you're fishing the blanks himself they're extra sensitive very lightweight. And designed to be able to not wear. While you're casting but also provide great cast ability for accuracy. And long distance for any of the applications you're looking at the grips. Iabsolutely love them.
Imean they're soft. And tacky to the field. When it's really wet outside. You feel like you're in control of the rod. All the time you look at the split grip. That gives you a little sensitivity your finger can easily be in a position to feel direct contact with the rod blank itself. Imean just you to look at. This entire rod series you're looking at a well-built fishing rod designed to help. More successful when your bass fishing in the Cabala's XML rod series is. Something that myself clark winglet. And other members of the Cabala's Pro staff to spend a lot of time providing input back to the staff at Cobell to be able to design rods. That we've got confidence in. While we're out on the water. You look at Clark winglets resume as a top turning professional for years.
He has to have the best. When he's out there competing against the best. You know what I really do. When I'm picking a fishing rod is. Ilook at the action. That the manufacturer puts on the rod on the xaml bass it's a technique specific rod series so. If it's a flippin application says flipping on there. If it's a drop shot rod has drop shot on there it's got. Everything I probably would need. When I'm fishing and so. Ilook at and then. Itailor it to myself 95% of the time the technique specific rod is going to be perfect for me every. Once in a I might throw a little bit lighter swim bait so. Imight want a little different rod a little heavier bait. Imight want a little heavier rod but for the. Most part it's perfect. You know for me the components in a rod. Ireally look at to. How heavy the rod is. Iwant the rod to be light. It doesn't where my arm elbow shoulder out. You have that rod and you're casting all day. And you've got a lot of weight on. It puts a lot of pressure on.
Everything and I've had problems with my arm. And elbow before you know. When rods were different Roger a lot of lighter. Now they're a lot quicker so basically. Ilike the weight of the rod to feel really good in my arm. You know sensitivity is really crucial. When you're trying to feel for a fish. You know it's a lot. More important on when you're fishing something slow. You want to feel the bite. And then set the hook into the fish. You don't need nearly as sensitive a rod. When you're actually winding something because. That fish is going to actually eat. That bait you want him to eat. All the way and then for the. Most part he's gonna hook himself the xaml series has figured. That in so I pick up a rod. That the sensitivity is gonna be perfect. You know the backbone of a rod is really critical.
And a lot of it in just. When you're actually fishing when you're actually. You know working your bait up. And down a lot of it is. That the backbone of. That rod you need it to be stiff enough to get a fish out of cover but. You want the tip to be had a little bit of flex to. You don't want to just jerk them out of there the other part of. That is that cast ability is really affected. If a rod is too stiff. If a rod is to limber. You want to be accurate with your casting that's crucial the XML bass has. You covered there you know for years I've had used cork grips. Ialways was sold that hate cork grips are better. These grips on the xml box. Iwould go to them in a second right. It is my go to feel. When it's raining even. When it's you think it's going to be slick it's still tacky to your hands. You know to me those grips are the perfect grip for a fishing rod. And finally the lifetime guarantee on these rods at Cabala's stands behind. Imean that's a legendary program that's going to help.
You have confidence. That you're picking up our fishing rods that's not only designed for the technique. That you're looking for the. One that's gonna be able to last. You for a long time. You know the Cabala's XML rod series is all-around great fishing rod for anybody's application so the entire line up. You know you're gonna find rods from seven feet nine to. You know six foot ten. You know that you've got a series of rods in your hands. That basically going to give. You an advantage how awesome is. It to have a series of rods. You as an angler can can look on the butt. And basically it says exactly. What the technique is. That rod is designed for and the coolest thing is. That technique that's listed on there there're other applications with different series of fishing out there. You might be able to use.
It for instance. Ioften use the big umbrella rod for flipping heavy mats. And on the other side of. Imay downsize with. Some other rods series. It says specifically. It was designed for one thing that's why this entire rod series is so unique. And so diverse for people to be able to just go in pick. One take it out on the water. And find success visit a Cabala's store near. You to check out the all-new XML fishing rod lineups. Or find out more information at Cabala's dot-com.
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Elite Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Again to the wolf Dan. This is little Jenny wolf information. That I'm going to pass on from it's an update to an update my last video here in the Wolf Den was. All about let's see ugly stick intercostal rods. And daya erred reels. Igot for my customers let. Me clear the air on the first thing I had. Some comments on the last video about. You want to try this real good. You ought to do this is the real. That I'm using or whatever fine. And Danny comment away. Iappreciate your comments. Ilike corresponding with. Everybody makes for a. More active and personal experience on my channel on. Any channel what I was discussing is. Iwas talking about the diet. What aired reels I do not want. Anybody to get confused 90% of. All of my videos what I'm talking about tackle is tackle. Ihave purchased for my customers use okay let. Me just clear the air with. Unless it's something to do with a really high dollar real eh specific rod for a specific type of fishing like doing the wiki rod the ultra ultra light micro jigging rod. Something like or talking about the Daiwa ryoga's that's. All the enthusiastic stuff. That I'm doing as I refer to. It as being a tackle enthusiast in my opinion really it's about five steps ahead of. Or above some been a total tackle junkie because of the fact. That you're honing in on a specific style. And make and quality of tackle so um. You know I can try every reel of known I've tried every reel.
And just so you know from here on out no. Iwon't be using to lose. Anything pretty many sums Amano. And a lot of Daiya a lot of dials up for my customers a lot of died away from. And I've I've done that's because. Ihave used this over here. Ihave found this works for me so far excuse. Me but the last video. Iwas discussing along with those died where'd bait casters is. This rod right here. This is the Shakespeare ugly stick intracranial extremely popular design extremely durable utilitarian. You took me bass fishing I could be using this. Iwent snook fishing I could be using this. Iwent just plug in the st Johns River. Ican be using this so all-around reel.
Me rod um it's that is extremely popular the style of ugly stick in Northeast Florida around my area. Iknow for a fact a lot of people use. These for inshore fishing its sort of blend of fiberglass graphite. They call these double built rods they're really tough but here's the deal. What I was discussing on the last video is. That the Intracranial come with just plain old ugly stick type guides. You know nothing fancy just you're done. All guide okay what I was talking about is. That there used to be used to be. This exact same rod called the ugly stick lei Li te. It seems to that ugly stick builds. This rod still but with. These eyes and calls. It to Intracranial for Walmart. Because that's the only place. You can find this rod. It we're going to retail location so. Some hunting around. Some talking to other people. Idid a little bit of looking and. What did I find there. It is the ugly stick light the exact same rod exactly the same rod but.
What makes the ugly stick light so fantastic is those guides right there metal inserted guides okay hope. That metal inserted guides. These are super tough. These may be or very similar to the guides are putting on the GX 2's which that's the only good thing about GX — in my mind only good thing here's the problem. You can get these they're blue the inter coastal versions through Walmart. Ibelieve day in day out. If they have them in stock the only ugly stick lights. You can buy anymore Bass Pro. Any place that hope. That carries the entire Shakespeare lineup our glue stick calm the only ones in the bait casting versions like. You can get a some left over six foot six ones. Because from what I gather it's been a year. These are being made anymore. These aren't being made in the mystic light series of rods. That was a absolute kind of go to ugly stick durable fantastic guides nice.
If you're into Cork I'm not. That much in the court but. If you're into cork handles very nice cork handle very comfortable real sea. They call them double bill absolutely durable with. All hell and ease used to come in. All kinds of versions as far as the bait casters. Iknow of and the spinners I've got. Some spinning tackle. That has these type metal inserted guides seven foot six seven foot medium heavy medium light medium different types of handles okay on those Daiya airs. Iput ugly stick lights. Iwanted them to have. These guys and our medium heavies. They have a different type of handle then. And they've got a longer handle longer but on them so there. They are available I found them on eBay somebody's hoarding these babies. Because they're they're highly sought after. Ibelieve and ugly stick dropped the ball echo echo dropped the ball. And they're not making these anymore.
Idon't know if I'll be able to in the future. Idon't know if I'll be able to wear. This shirt with any pride. Ireally don't know. It really comes down to. What are you doing ugly stick Shakespeare. What are you doing they're taking their entire lineup it's. And try to steer people towards the GX tubes. And I'll tell you there is a huge difference between. This rod and the GX 2. Idon't know if we're trying to just see let. You a little history Shakespeare Berkeley Penn. All those companies are. All owned by one company. Idon't know if they're just wanting to build. These in the same Factory they're trying to streamline that's an insider thing you'd have to have. Somebody that works on the inside tell. That at least in the United States. Imean a build complete gx2 models. That are but look to. Me bad to the bone over in England, but they're not going to bring them here.
Idon't understand either why limit yourself. You know why are you limiting yourself. And why are you dropping such popular models well they'd say well we're not dropping them. Because y-you can give. It of Walmart exact rods. On the light sound on eBay has. These guides and those guys are bad to the bone they're a moccasin they're indestructible but let. These guides are tough. These are ugly tough. These are ugly doing just doing the job alright so that's a little bit of an update exact rods in every way. And two different guides easily found on Walmart. You have to look for them they're available by.
Some sellers that have hoarded them. Something you know on eBay. Some of them are salesman's samples. You ever get a Salesman sample right down here be. It a foam or cork, but we'll have a little wavy line that's a brand in. They brand it rights there just so it's its known as a Salesman sample, so I'm always experimenting I'm always doing R&D;. And here's another thing. That imma do R&D; with excuse. You may have heard I don't know there's. Some there's so much information out their folks. You cannot take all in at. One time and that's. Where YouTube comes into play. Because there's so much information on YouTube. Because it's like having a news reporter. All over the place ok well I'm going to check.
This stuff out this is cast King braid. This cost me out of $22. Something like that free shipping on eBay. That stuff everybody oh. That Chinese braid oh. That China braid well. Idon't know how to say. Iguess they're they're just getting a little bigger. Or they're they're getting out there. They have a normal name. Imean cash King I mean it's not. You know get you Gamu. Something braid you know. Whatever this is from II Poseidon they're. All over eBay they're. All over Amazon you can go to cast kingcom. And check out this line. When the word braid is used. It could mean braid spectra micro Deema a lot of. It is poly you know. Something or other hydro id urethane ish. Whatever I mean there's. These chemical compounds. And different materials. That brain can be made out of Berkeley tried. It for a they actually took. Some material that like threading. Ican't remember the name of. You bought like a really heavy dude. Or Cordura that's a material.
They made duffle bags out of. And stuff it was really a really tough material kind of new-age canvas well. They mixed spectra and Cordura to make Zilla braid oh the toughest braid known to man. This well a lot of that stuff comes out. And then all of a sudden a lot of. That stuff goes away. You start seeing it on eBay. You know at Half Price but. These people I don't know. One minute they say they're made out of. This next minute they say they're made out of. Idon't know what to believe. Whatever but I'm gonna try. It I'll give a shout out to Matt Rhodes fishing he's a fellow hooked up network member. Ibelieve and he's. All about it his bass fisherman seems to be predominantly a bass fisherman. And he's using this. Even come out now instead of a four strand braid. And coming out with an eight strand braid well so did Iowa came out with stuff called Super eight.
Something like and it's very not low price but its mid-range price compared to. Some serious high-end lines like samurai braid. And stuff like that I'm going to spool up on. And I'm going to let. You know what I think of. This is 20 in green. And it's the four strands not the 80 strand. And the whole big deal about. This line is the fact. That here's a thousand ninety-four yards on here for like 23 bucks let's just take an experience. You might have you're going to go to your local sporting goods store. And you're going to pick up a spool of 150 yards of suffix let's say. And there're two grades of suffix you'll pick. One will be $21 and the next school will be $29. Or PowerPro you'll pick up a 150 yards of power bro. Something like that it'll be $1999. You pick up 500 yards it'll be. You know 30 299 well that's. These people are kind of coming in okay. This is a breed something made over in China okay 1094 yards free shipping on ebay for they $22. Or $23 okay Matt is using it.
He loves it okays he's actually talking how. They make a pure black line. How the black is working for him so. And him had a little discussion. Itold him I'm going to try. And I'll be back with. You on how what I thought of. Because right all my ryoga's. Igot schooled up high C's Grand Slam braid. It doesn't make any noise. It casts its supple as hell. It the not strength is fantastic. And it's a big time spectra. You know what we would for to as your high dollar brain. You haven't seen a lot of trout fishing videos have. You probably won't ok for the sheer fact. Ilearned the last two years. When I'm sitting on a spot man we're just having a good old catching fish my customers are happy I'm happy I'm doing the chicken dance we're so happy everything's fantastic two days later. Igo back to that same spot there's three. Or four boats there so. Ican't really do any trout fishing on the water videos.
And it's an unfortunate thing, so I'm going to pretty much limit my fishing videos to okay at the end of the day we're back at the boat ramp so that's. What I'm going to be doing from here on out is back at the boat ramp end of day here's. What we did take video. Because there's only so. Many spots around here. It truly is there's only so. Many spots where the currents right at a certain time. And the fish are laid up in their okay. Iam bad thing for me as. Someone else's fun and leisure is my gob it's. Imake a living and. These people that I'm showing these spots to basically in my videos. Ican't rely on those spots. And drive all the way there. And get there and there're three boats sitting on. You know dad always said give away a chicken give away a goat but don't ever give away the farm, so I'll be taking pictures.
And things like that but. Ihave to limit my video. This time of year because I'm doing nothing but shoot myself in the foot dangers I'm getting over a home project right. Where I'm taking my attire back in my house that's been totally revamped by. Idon't know many people. And we're wrecking it tearing rooms off reach England reroofing all kinds of stuff to bring the house back to the way. It was originally built getting rid of. All the shoemaker projects done to. This house so that's. What I've been doing day in day out. And we'll be doing again. This morning till late. This afternoon it's going to rain probably tomorrow. We got to do some serious shingling on the back of the house right. And my dad have been hard at. And I've been a bit preoccupied. And that's why you're seeing probably. More photographs in your video. Because video takes hours. And hours and hours.
And hours worth of editing and things like. That so thanks this has just been a little update. And I'll see on the water.
St. Croix Premier® Series Crankbait Casting Rods
Lighter, faster and stronger. St. Croix has redesigned its popular Premier Crankbait Casting Rods in a successful attempt to make an already great fishing rod even better. The result is sensitivity, handling and performance taken to a new level. And, with a handsome new glossy black pearl finish, these rods look as good as they fish. They still feature quality components such as Forecast aluminum-oxide guides, Fuji® reel seats and premium-grade cork handles. Five-year warranty.Please refer to the Rod Handle Size Comparison link, located under Additional Information, for handle lengths.
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
G.Loomis NRX Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Hey you tubers thank. You for taking in too crazy for Lula's today it's been ages since I've done. Any reviews made any videos for you guys so it's been about two months. It feels like a long time. And I'm glad to get back to. It so it feels pretty good to get back into doing a review for years. And you know this particular review is on my absolute favorite rod. That I own that I've actually ever used so. You know remember when. Ifirst purchased this rod. Igot it for an absolutely fantastic price a friend of mine down at a fishing store actually recommended. This rod to me I was actually going in to buy a. Ithink it was Eva st Croix rod. Or it was Eva wanted. Iwas interline rods. Where the line itself travels through the middle of the blank. And yeah you know he didn't have those particular ones there. And he said you know. What you just got to try out. This particular rod. Because it's its by far. One of the better ones after fishing with. It for the last about say two years. Ican honestly say that. This is by far the most sensitive rod I've ever used it's. One of the strongest rods I've ever used as well. And it's also incredibly like. Ithink they're three of the characteristics. That you'd been looking for when. You do make purchase. And you know decide. Whether to open up your wallet.
And go with that particular rod. You know it's always scary. When you walk into a fishing store. And you want to invest into a fishing rod. That you know cost of cost a bit. Now it is a really worthwhile to spend. That extra bit of money to be able to get. That performance and an action. And feel from the rod. Because you know obviously. When you're out there spending. That much time on the water. You want to be enjoying what you're doing and enjoying you know pulling in those fish. Or even just working laws. While you're out there so yeah. It was a scary thing but at the end of. It I'm real pleased. That I did make the decision. And said yes to him. He gave me a fantastic price. And I do not regret. It at all so first of. All let's start off by letting you know. That it has one I cast 2010 10 Awards for the best of show for the best freshwater rod category okay.
Now the most important thing about a fishing rod is by far not. Even close the construction of the blank. And and what they put into. That blank so not only the materials are the resin. That they use the graphite / carbon. That they use it's also got to do with the process in the curing and. And how they cook. That product in the oven. How the whole process to give. You the end result which is the blank itself so guys were in terms of the blank. If for anyone who doesn't know pretty much the blank is the section the tubular section of the fishing rod without. Any other components on. It so I'm talking about. This section here okay the stick itself okay. This tubular section. That slowly gets thin without the guides okay so that's just a blank here without. Any of these things here on. It and without the reel see the handle there. And without yet these sections here the cork. That you see there pretty much.
Now it's one of those components of the rod. That unfortunately if a company did want to skimp on the quality of. It you know aesthetically. You cannot tell you know just by looking at. It you can't tell whatsoever. How strong the rod is. How sensitive it is as well. You know how well. It feels you know that. When you use. It and fish it as well okay but after extensive use with. It like I said I've owned. It for about two years. And I use it actually very often. And it's my absolute go to spinning rod okay. This particular model here is its the baby in the range of the nrx spinning series it's called the it's a six-foot eight medium okay the model is called 8 0 2 s JW r which is the jigging worm edition alright so.
When you're using jigs. And worms its very much it's obviously a lot. More finesse than say crank bathing dirt bathing and also things like. You know it's definitely. More finesse than say for example a classification of an umbrella rig rod as well so. It is the baby it is the lightest version. When I say light I don't just mean physically light I'm talking about. How much strain and weight. It can take and its line rating as well so let's go into the technical side of. It and let's have a chat about the numbers. All right so the taper itself it's an extra fast taper. What taper means is. If I go is I zoom out for you here. And we look all the way at the front at the tip of the rod extra fast means. That as the rod itself is under load. Or fishes on it taper. Or action means how far up the tip the rod wants to bend the. Most so if you've got a very fast action. What that means is. That it's incredibly a springy. And pliable and bendy at the tip.
All right guys if you've got a slow action. Or moderate action it ultimately means. That about in the middle of the rod so from. This section to the tip about in the middle of. It is where it wants to do its bending as opposed to wanting to bend. More so at the tip alright so extra bias is pretty much means very bendy at the tip okay that's. Where the blank itself wants to primarily will Bend. All right its line weight rating is six to ten pounds meaning. That you know these rod companies give. You a rating where if. You would put on a certain line. You know how much weight. It can actually take so. If they recommend about six to ten pounds worth of line okay something's going to give guys so it's. Even going to be the line breaks. You hook get straightened out. Or you know you're not fallen out. If you have inside them properly. Or the worst-case situation is. That your rod snaps okay so.
If by chance you put on heavier line what's going to happen is. That the line is stronger. Then what the rod can take as. It bends and the rod itself is going to snap. Now I actually use around about thirty pound line on. This now the style of fishing. That III do I have to put on a very thick line okay but it's just a testament to the fact. That this particular rod can handle weights. And and the pressure of a really heavy fish at the end. And at the end of the line as well it's never failed. I and it's got a really strong backbone as well so. This bottom tip here of the blank it's incredibly strong okay so. You get a very fast tip very bendy tip so it's very sensitive down. That end and then you get an incredibly strong mid to rear to mid section here as well okay so giving you. That power to then the leverage to be able to really pull in.
That particular fish. That you're trying to fight with alright so the law wait so the recommend lower weight is a. One eighths of an ounce to a quarter of an ounce guys are on. You know weights around about. That night I certainly throw heavier weights in. That as well in the rod can take. It in terms of the guide system itself okay the guide system is there're eight guides. And then plus one tip so nine into. This particular color is considered the blue. They have a green color. Where the whole blank itself okay is completely. This sort of it's a green color. This color blue it's a natural color of the blank with. These are blue bits here with those blue accents.
All right all the way for. Each guide alright next step would be the handle length itself is 14 inches okay 14 inches long for this particular model alright so going back to the blank. Now the blank where it's really special. And why I feel it's by far the best blank. And the best fishing rod I've ever owned. And used actually is the fact. That G Looms the nrx series is there a premiere range of fishing rods they've put in absolutely. All of the technology. And knowledge that. They have throughout their the whole history of the company. And they've been able to work out. What goes right and. What goes wrong and they're put in. All the best things. That they could into. This particular rod with. This blank itself it's incredible. It featured incredibly expensive. And a high modulus graphite okay so high modulus carbon okay so very strong carbon along with. Most importantly 3m matrix resin so.
What the resin is in the blank there scan there's ultimately two major parts of a blank it's the material side. And then it's the glue side so the resin is the glue. That melts and sticks. And bonds those fibers together creating the blank itself okay, so they've actually. You know three as a company. That makes adhesives. And different sort of epoxies. And resins and then. And those sort of materials, so they've employed 3m to come on board. And supply them the resin for this particular blank. Now other companies do use. This 3m matrix resin as well. It is a very expensive resin so yeah but gee Looms have perfected. It with this particular blank in my view it's by far the best blank on the market actually okay next step would be moving into we'll start from the bottom in. And we'll go up okay, so we've actually we'll start with the okay we'll start with the bottom so at the bottom here we've got the grip so here's going to be your real seat here.
And then along here is going to be your grip so it's a split grip meaning. That the blank is exposed here. You then get a at the bottom here. Where your the butt of the grip would be is a composite cork here. And then moving on to a very premium cork. That they use for the rest of the rest of the handle there moving on to. That composite again split grip composite. And then moving on to. That cork that I was speaking of before okay. Now the real seat itself here it's quite a cool design. Ireally like it I was a bit at first. When I saw I was like. Idon't know how well it's going to work the feet of your real so your spin real is here the feet come up. And then go into these sections here. And then you just tighten. It on like so it's quite a flat sort of design with a hump there. That pretty many hugs the feet of your real. Ithink you know a lot of like real seats. Now they design them with a skeleton design which means a gap here. And the only thing that's really transmitting the vibrations up the rod is really.
That section here that like those bits of the real seat on there on to the real feet out feet. And then into your real so you're feeling it here okay but with. This section here the real feet is completely set on. That completely all the way pretty much so against. That cork they're giving you. Ifeel more better sensitivity so. If I just unscrew that's. What it would look like for you. All right and then putting. That back on lining. That up there and that's. How you'd apply your real. All right very comfortable to hold as. You using it there soon. All right so you're going to get a tie there on. That side so as you're you're holding the rod like. This it's going to be located on the left-hand side moving on here you're going to get those blue accents there.
Where it's quite different with. This particular rod. You know most rod companies are going to put their logo. And the information on top there it's actually on. If you're holding it here it's actually on the right-hand side looking at. It like so you've got your G looms logo there that's their new sick fish logo by to zoom into. This section here hopefully. That focus is for you nrx 8 0 to s jig. And worm 6 foot 8 extra fast action medium power alright. And those things that I've talked about before those ratings there with the line are the line there. And the low rating they're nrx written there alright lastly medium power. What that means is as you're pulling it. How much resistance the total blank has so the rod itself. How much it wants to bend okay so a soft power. Or a light power meaning. That all been heats easily medium obviously medium.
And heavy or extra heavy means as you're pulling it's going to be harder for the rod to bend okay the action. Once again extra fast has got to do with not. How hard it is to bend the rod but. Where abouts in the blank the rod primarily wants to bend which extra fast means. Once again guys just recapping it's going to be at the tip. That it wants to primarily Bend. All right so nearly done. Iwanted to be obviously vary in depth with. This review guys so yeah we're going to go through. Everything today the guides itself. This is where it gets a bit special for this particular rod the guide system itself okay features a hybrid system meaning.
That they have a Fugees titanium si guides so titanium frame around there. And that black ring inside is a silicon carbide ceramic bit there silicon carbide is pretty much the industry-leading standard for about last 10 years. Or so it's pretty much. What most premium rods feature well their guide system features anyways it's. One of those materials. That are incredibly hard you've got to be a bit careful. If you do throw your rod down on a hard surface you've got a chance of being able to crack. That particular ring inside there. Because it is such a hard material as well. And you'll generally find. That once you crack. It your line or braid is going to be tearing against. That and you'll be losing fishing that's. One of the reasons why ok. You can put in like a cotton buds into there I'll run them around there.
And they should hook up in. Any cracks there guys so that's its a good way to be able to identify. If you do have any sort of cracks within your guide system then. All right so like I said hybrid guide system. What that means is. That the first is going to be titanium si silicon carbide second one's going to be the same thing titanium sick third one's going to be titanium sick. And then the next five are going to be which. Idon't have on here but I'll get into. That in just a second it's going to be let's have a look here sorry just give. Me a moment it's going to feature a jealous recoil guide. All right guys I'm not a fan of recoil guides I've used them for a year.
And a half and I ended up replacing them with titanium si guides. And I'll go into why all right so. Iabsolutely love the rod. And but I overtime. Iactually got these replaced with like. Isaid titanium silicon carbide. Now what recoil guides are. They are the brand of. It is our EC recoil black ion coded nickel titanium guides so recoil meaning. That it's like a little a string of off of. That material that. Ijust mentioned and. It folds like that creating a little hole like a guide system there okay. Now these recoil guides. If you were to bend. It and then flip it. And let it go it would pop back into its original position okay bend. It enough guys over time they're going to snap okay. Now the reason why they use. One two three four and five recoil guides okay the last. One is still a titanium si tip alright guys so yeah it's only five recoil guides but the reason why they use.
That guys is it's incredibly light but. Anything that bends okay is susceptible to less vibration transmitting through. This particular blank that's my viewpoint on. It if it's able to bend there's less chance of. That being obviously incredibly hard. And being able to transfer. Any vibrations from the line up into the blank okay from the line to the guide up into the blank down. All the way to your hands. That you're feeling with okay but so the reason why I changed them over is. Because I won they're incredibly noisy. And — I broke one of them after. Iwent like that and then let go. It just went snap so then. Ichanged one of them. And then after a while. Ithink I broke another. One and I'm really careful with. All my products guys.
And it's one of those things. That I was quite disappointed. And I really wanted to give. These these titanium recoil sorry yeah titanium nickel titanium recoil guides a go but unfortunately. Ifished them for a year. And a half and I ended up having to change them. Or two to this system here so on my particular rod I've customized. It and I turned them. All to titanium Si guides alright so just to end the review. Iknow it's been a long review. And I really appreciate. You guys sticking around to hear. It all but if you guys are wondering whether. Or not to make you know plunging and then. And go ahead with buying excuse. Me buying one of these rods do. It because like I said I've fished a lot of fishing rods. Some really premium ones okay a lot of them really premium ones but.
Nothing as close as. This is to end the review the best fishing rod. Ihave ever even had the privilege of using alright guys alright, so I'll leave. You to it if you have. Any comments please let. Me know below if you liked the video give. Me a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel as well. Iknow it's been a really long review but I'd get. It for you know in a situation. Where you really need to get in depth with. This particular rod. And have a closer look at. All components as well guys I'll catch is around next time stay tuned for more reviews I'll be doing a whole heap in the next month. Or so all right so yeah I'll leave. You thought happy kitchen go see is bye.
Fenwick® HMX Salmon/Steelhead Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Duckett Triad Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Don't get oh a triad fishing rod that it. Just came in from type of warehouse its bottom month I'll say more than that it. Just came out recently dug his lineup oh. The things i did different with this from the ghost because that's what else should i get the ghost cuz i already have a couple i don't know if i should try out a new rod and i was like the. Things that's different between this and the ghost is this going to be a cone winning more sensitive blink right here. And it's gonna have rubber inserts in. The eyes of the rod this is a 7-foot. Medium have you fast actually wrong, and we have 11 eyes right here and the. Grip this blue grow up on this rod is. Just phenomenal oh i haven't got the fish would yet like i said it just came in if you keep. Watching our videos keep watching her videos might see me fish with this but. Uh he's got a carbon fiber reel seat. It's got new grips right here i haven't seen these on the other any other ghosts i mean any of the other coquette. Off fishing rods but it's real nice grip. And yeah the blank looks similar to the. Dos except there are the eyes on the. Eyes on them are inserted and yeah. So look good look at this fishing rod. Don't get up trying to check them out of. Tech where else or dougie fishing cod. Like comment or subscribe share to your. Friends about the new channel ask on.
Okuma SST Salmon/Steelhead Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Fenwick® HMX Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Lamiglas® Classic Glass Series Casting Rod
Lamiglas Classic Glass Series Casting Rods are for the plug pullers, backtrollers, herring trollers and downrigger anglers who excel on the water by keeping it simple. The premise of moderate-action glass rods is simple. if you allow a fish to get a firm hold of your bait or lure, the result is a solid hook-up. Traditional styling makes these rods all-around winners. The CG70DR and CGR762L ultralight, progressive-action rods maximize enjoyment of KoKanee and trout fishing, along with your hook-to-land ratio.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
St. Croix Avid Series® Casting Rod
St. Croix takes the latest technology from angler’s fingertips to fish lips by incorporating their innovative Integrated Poly Curve® (IPC) technology into the Avid series for 2008. IPC eliminates transitional points in the rod blank for smoother action, greater strength and enhanced sensitivity. High-modulus, high-strain SClll graphite delivers exceptional power and sensitivity. Fuji® Alconite® guides and reel seats provide proven reliability, and the handles are made of select-grade cork. Limited lifetime warranty. Made in USA.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
St. Croix® Premier® Series Musky Rod

Agarrando la plata además está bigelow dos maquetas bloggers y a veces y buscan los ficheros de transacciones olvidate ese es mi dios a todos los milímetros estadios se marquen dice él es el rey jorge vi power action es así que el sexto falcón líder no hace más que sí pero es lo mejor y luego explicó como un simpático mix in. This lo veremos alarcón no hace bien porque vivo 183 bueno del senado.
G.Loomis IMX Salmon/Steelhead Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

Hi guys welcome to north west Michigan. Hunting and fishing done review a review. On my steel head / salmon rad it's a made. From grand traverse tackle the mi eat. Graphite pro classics go ahead pull it's. The length on it is 10 foot gun line. Wait 12 pound test which i have out here. To break pull great flex to it real long. Real flexible that's right ride to put. That as well that you are you looking. For steel head rod that could be real. Flexible because the tip is there. It's outfitted with a dialogue d bearing. Rail which is going to be updated this. Year changed outlets getting more round. These big steel head and sam and take a. Real big toll on your reels all the line. Screech and they do this one you can. Actually smell it and actually smell the gears in it or start to burn up so. That's a great pole 59 bucks went out. Still heading fishing saturday got one. So yeah so this is northwest Michigan. Hunting fishing thanks to all my. Subscribers piggies like comment below. Take it easy.
Abu Garcia® Fantasista™ Premier Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

You hey folks is Chris Johnson from fishcage the crazy guidance service up in Door County. Iwant to talk to you today a little bit about the new rods out by Abu Garcia super excited about. This rod it's the new fantasy Stu premier rod the great thing about. This is made from the power luxe 500 material so. It is super sensitive. And super light just wonderful to fish with. One of the great things about. This rod is I love to fish. You know up in Door County with the wind in. Ilove to get long casts. And fish longer rod so. Idon't really fish. Anything longer than seven feet so. Ialready think shorter. Then seven feet I pile gate so. This right here is a seven-foot six model it's a medium action rod with a super soft tip. Ilove a soft twenty percent tip on the end with plenty of back rub backbone for fighting those big small. When I'm whether I'm tubing with I'm pairing a tube. Or a grub even a drop shot. This provides me with enough field to feel. When the fish come up. And just grab and pick on. It as well as what you know. They hammer on I can really get a good hook set.
You know really lay into. It's fantastic for casting long. And it's just the guide system. Everything is just fantastic. This rod this is the new Abu Garcia fantasy stuff seven foot six spinning rods it's a rod. You should absolutely add to your arsenal. If you're gonna Wally fish small mouth fish anywhere just wonderful ride
St. Croix Legend Tournament® Musky Split-Grip Casting Rod
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.

iRod Air Casting Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.