Top 7
St. Croix Eyecon Trolling Rods

Pick up a more yes do. You think it's some must be hard to say. Ididn't see anything to get. This thing that's professional action better that's muskie cool Bryan muskie in the boat sweet dude yeah let's see. That baby beautiful. We got a nice meal a Quinn back here. And we've been covering these points pretty tight. One just gave one up, so I'm good with. That absolutely great fish. And we'll keep fishing these points are winnable. And that's the first. One fell victim to a flat stick cool let's get her back in the water. All right cool all right nice looking fish dude. That was awesome all right yeah we'll replace the hook on. You know one thing when. It comes to catching muskies is having the right tools. That fish was hooked in the corner of the jaw not a big deal. We probably could have popped. It out with the players but. You know not a giant muskie someday hopefully. It grows up to be a big. You want the fish to look nice for the next person. That has an experience with. We just cut the hooks. Imake sure to carry a nice selection of hooks in the bowl here. And we'll just replace the look. This heap you want to make sure. You got really lose the hook. You have a scarred fish so. Igot my hook perfect yep little three up um see the year we're using for this musket rolling is specialized specifically for this application on the rod side we're fishing with the st Croix premier it's an 8-foot heavy moderate action rod.
This rod can take a big planar board like Brian's got on there. It can handle the load of big baits. And of course it can absorb the shot of a big fish. When you're going at a relatively high speed. Everything folds up it's not going to tear off the hook on the line side we're fishing with Suffolk 65-pound metered braid. This line is a different color every 25 feet. This is a very useful tool. If you're not fishing with the line counter reel. You are you've got backup redundancy to fish. It on a line counter. And the line counters we're using are the quantum contro lure. This is a size 20 it's got plenty of line capacity. And it's also got of course the clicker it's such a great sound.
When you've got your rods in the rod older. You hear that a fish is bitten but. If you're gonna head out. And muskie troll with the equipment. That you've got one thing to remember is make sure you've got a light drag so. If a fish fights it can pull line. Iwould strongly recommend using a metered line. And probably the lightest muskie rod. You can get away with so the rod will flex. And it's not real stiff. When you're trolling you do. That you're gonna be in business. You notice the distance. That we're fishing here. This is really an ideal shoreline. Where you've got Jeremy's running this bait back straight back behind the boat I'm trying to split the distance with the shoreline with the run in the planer board. What I'm doing I'm managing the distance. All the time by reeling in. And letting more line out. What I'm able to do a lot of times. Ican get that planer board with. That treats diving about seven eight feet.
Where Jeremy is down in ten feet. And a lot of times they able to get right up next to. That Shore otherwise. We were just running baits right behind the boat we're missing all. These fish that might be between the boat. And the shore and so far today been working out for us. We got a more daylight hours to burn see. We can get a big one.
Shimano® Talora Trolling Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Cabela's DepthMaster® Trolling Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Shakespeare® Ugly Stik® Bigwater Downrigger Rods
Big water and the big fish that lurk in its depths have met their match. Shakespeare's Ugly Stik Bigwater Downrigger Rods have the extra strength of an Ugly Stik Clear Tip™ design to absorb the energy right out of the feistiest fighters. Ugly Tuff™ one-piece stainless steel guides ensure excellent corrosion resistance and maximum durability.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
BnM Pro Staff Crappie Trolling Rods
10 professional anglers contributed to the design of this top-notch 100% graphite trolling rod. The result is an ideal blend of strength and tip action. It’s tough enough for lure-slamming lunkers, yet sensitive enough to detect timid nibblers. Reel seat is slightly upward on the 21" EVA handle for quick and easy removal from any rod holder.Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
Eagle Claw Starfire Trolling Rods
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.
St. Croix Avid Series® Center Pin Rods
Please refer to the Rod Handle Size Comparison link, located under Additional Information, for handle lengths.
Images depict the style of the rod handle and may not fully represent the actual length.