Top 19
Zebco® Bullet Spincast Reel
Zebco® ROAM™ Spincast Reel

Everybody Justin here product manager from Zebco. Icast 2018 this is a super exciting product launch for us. This is the new Zebco Rome. One of the coolest and boldest spin cast designs you'll ever find awesome new design for zip code. This is a high quality design. This is built around the guts of a 33 so it's the same quality 233 but a really on trend design it's a 3 bearing Rio has a metal front cover soft touch thumb buttons soft touch handle knobs the reel comes paired on a combo which has our new sure grip handle design which is very comfortable make your day of fishing very comfortable. It comes in very bright color selection. We offer this with green hot orange a hot pink. And also be available in a black be looking for this later. This year at zip code calm. Or your nearest retailer thank you.
Zebco® Omega® Pro Spincast Reel

it's Sharon for just officially want to walk. You back to my youtube channel. And a big hi to all the new subscribers. Irecently gained and today. Iam going to do a bit of review. And kind of unboxing it's already unboxed actually but a bit of a review of a toy I've just purchased I'm justifying this as an early birthday gift because of the cost alright. What it is this right here. It is a Zebco pro 3 spin casting reels I've been wanting to get a spin casting reel for some time. Because that's I learned to fish over 50 years ago was using a spin casting reel. And actually there's a lot of people. That like to use them. This reel has always had a stigma to. That stigma is that it's the kitties reel. If you're using a spin casting wheels. Because you're not a very good angle you're very inexperienced that's not true. This is a real coming in back into its own again the technology being used today to make. These reels it's way ahead of what it was 20 years ago 30 years ago. And certainly fifty years ago. Ihad my first one which by the way was am a $6 combo from Kmart. We had come on stores here in Canada. It was a six-foot fiberglass rod but spin casting reel loaded with. Ithink six pound tests. Icame with a small tackle box of terminal tackle. Some J hooks some split shots. And those round red. And white floats that was. Ifirst started out on a dock somewhere up in Muskox. Even remember it was so. Iremember those days.
Ithought I'd like to go back I'd like to try it's been cashing especially. Some new ones with the technology. Ioriginally wanted was the Zebco you've probably heard about. That's the fastest spin casting reel there is on the market matter of fact it's its its speed is compatible to a bait low profile bait casting reel but taxes in canadian dollars is over two hundred dollars. Ithought no I really can't spend. That type of money on a real right. Idid my homework I'm gonna tell. You write this wasn't cheap. Either but it wasn't as expensive as the bullet. This Zebco Omega 3 cost. Me altogether taxes in a hundred dollars Canadian yeah 100 bucks Canadian for a spin casting reel but hey why not.
You only live once eh so let's take a look at what we've got in the box there I've opened the box up so. We can see we have the reel. We have the spare handle the double grip handle. We also have on this side here. What they call a quick-release a speed spool. Something it's as the second spool for this reel. It comes free spool with ten pound test cage. And mono filament line. And there's your spare spool in the box there our replacement spool, so I'm gonna take. And we'll take a look at. Some specs of. This let me just put. This over here take a look at. Some specs on. This rail this reel is in certainly a lot of lighter. Than the its predecessors. Something that zepkow. All the manufactures actually listen to people who like to use.
This room one of the reasons why they didn't use. That much it was very heavy. You remember the older ones. They were quite after a. You know your arm would get quite tired using a spin casting reel. These reels are now made of aircraft aluminum. And stainless steel workings. And they're about 20 to 25 percent lighter. Then their old counterparts so that's. Something Zebco has certainly listened to so specs on. This particular reel is it's got a capacity of 85 yards mono filament. Now remember it's mainly mono filament is only used since been casting rails. It doesn't work well with fluorocarbon. Because it's too dense. And certainly not very well with braided those are left for bait casters.
And maybe your spinning reel but spin casters are designed to work with mono filament line. This has got an 85 percent capacity so does the Pro 2 which is a six pound test line reel that's also 85% capacity. It comes with the speed crank. Or handle attached you have in the box as. Ishowed before you have. One which is your double gripped handle so. You get two different types of handles. Whatever you know turns your crank the handles are equipped with really nice soft rubber grips so. You can't you can get a good grip on not. That hard plastic you can steer your hand. If it's wet or fish Cuddy. It could slip off same with your button on the back of the reel here nice it's very well ergonomically designed it's easy to push it's comfortable it's soft.
And you're less chance of your thumb slipping off the back as you're casting the cover is made of aircraft aluminum so it's incredibly light the handle course can be switched from. One side of the Realty other depending on. You want to be a lefty. Or righty we have the internal drag system on. This reel alright so that's. This dial right here left to increase your. Isorry left to decrease the drag right to increase the drag alright. That with your. When you're on your gives your thumb. You would use to manipulate the drag system so let's take a look on the inside here it's gonna pull the line out. This is the real you remember the video. Idid last year which is playing in the background here. This is the real you must have the cover on for it to work alright otherwise. It doesn't work it's not designed the cover helps handle the line on. And off the spool so here's the bail collar.
This collar has three of these pick up pins. You see here one there's. One there too and there's the third. These pick up pins are the. What picks up the line. And wraps it around the spool which is located just underneath here the. More pick up pins you have on the bail collar the greater the return on your line is. This reel has a 19-inch return which means for every. One crank of this handle. It brings in 19 inches of your fishing line. Now the gearing ratio on. This spool is 36 to 1. That simply means that for every. One complete turn of. This crank this bail caller will rotate 36 times. All right the other thing about. This reel lets's just put. This cap back on is. That there are seven bearings. And mainly as casting reels come with a maybe at the. Most four as some of the cheaper ones. This is seven it's actually got six plus.
One has continuous anti reverse. Because it's being a casting reel the handle baloney of the bail. And won't one way so. It doesn't go opposite the bearings are a stainless steel so. They will not rust it has a worm gear for the drag system which is the same type of drag system. That is used in a bait casting reel so. This is a very well-made reel so yes. It was worth $100 I paid for it. Ican't wait to get. It out accord to the reviews from other angles. They say it's a very smooth casting reel. And a very smooth retrieve as well. And it's quite capable of handling the larger fish. Some people said one guy said. He caught a five pound bass. One said he caught a seven pound bass so. They it's a very sturdy well-built reel so. This is the zepkow Omega pro three equipped loaded with a ten pound test line the pro two is the. One for the 6-pound test. You want to use a lighter line comes with two handles the double handle. And the speed handle.
And also it comes with a spare spool. What they call could change spool with. More fishing line on. It's fully spooled with ten pound test mono filament called Cajun line because of the color. Because it's red alright. And so there she is my birthday present to. Me that's I justify spending a hundred dollars on a fishing reel. You alright so the next time hopefully I'll get to use. This thing and you'll see. This in action and hopefully. We can christen it with a decent size fish so in the meantime. Iwant to thank you for watching please like. Ihaven't shared the video. Iwant to thank those who have just come on board as new subscribers. And of course I'm going to continue with my shout out so at the end of the video for people. That subscribe to I subscribe back to give them a thumbs up check them out see. What they're doing and until the next time hopefully we're out fishing soon it's a sheriff for just fishing tight lines
Abu Garcia® Abumatic® 170 Spincast Reel
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Zebco® Delta™ Spincast Reel
Zebco® 808® Spincast Reel
Pflueger® President® Spincast Reel
Daiwa Goldcast® III Reel
Durable Daiwa Goldcast reels offer quality spincasting at an affordable price. Reels have an oscillating spool level wind for a smooth spincast drag, and a ball bearing drive for even retrieves. Rugged metal body and nose cone provides durability. Reel also has an on/off anti-reverse for solid hooksets and a strong, oversized stainless steel line guide. Each reel has a rotating tungsten carbide line pickup pin and each comes wound with premium line.Zebco® 202 Spincast Reel
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Zebco® 404 Spincast Reel
Zebco® Omega® Spincast Reel
Zebco® Platinum™ 33® Spincast Reel
hello I am the gentleman shooter. And this is my Zebco 33 platinum real as. You may have seen in. One of my previous videos. Ihave this bad boy attached to the Rhino tough indestructible Blanc 6 foot 6 inch rods. And um I don't really understand. All the differences between the reels as far as like why one might be better. Then the other so if. You can educate me on. That please comment below. And do so um but I have to say as an amateur. Iam very happy with. This does Epke 33 I've been told by a. Few people know that. This is the best either push-button real. Or spinning real ever made that's their opinion. And I mean as far as. Iknow they don't own. One they just acknowledge. That this is an excellent reel to use. This is the Platinum Edition so. Iif my understanding is correct there was a. Few changes made it's based on the original zip code 33. It could be a quote-unquote improved version as.
You can see you got your drag here in the front push button on top. And it does allow you to change which side. You wish to reel on my uncle gave. Me this and he was a lefty so. Ihad to switch it to change the line. Or mess with the line. You got a push button here. You just push that in. And turn and the top comes off so. While I've got this open. Iwant to show you the. One problem I've had. And I'm not sure if it's a problem with the reel. If it's a problem with push button spinners. Or our push button reels. Or if it's problem with. Something I'm doing but every. Once in a great while the line will get see. If I push this up caught in between. This top piece here. And this there's a crack there's a small crack in between. Where the line is wrapped. And this top piece. That moves up and down.
And every once in a. While the line gets sucked up into. That and caught. And I don't know if. If there's an easy way for me to fix. It if no is that was the problem um am. Idoing something wrong is there a problem with the drag am. Iletting out line where. Ishouldn't be I can see. Where it's already starting to want to get up in there. And I think it just happened as. Ipulled and created. That drag so that is my. One complaint it's happened two times. Now where I realize ah oh shoot. That lion is only going so far. What the heck's happening I take off the top. And realize that it's snagged up in there that's. It that's my only complaint the reel is smooth I've never had. Any nests or any tangles. Or any serious tangles on the reel itself just.
When it gets bit or snapped up in there in the top part. And every cast is smooth um. Ilove this reel so please let. Me know if I'm doing something to cause the snag up in the top. Or if it's just a problem with. This type of real and that's. It for the Zebco 33 um. If I appreciate your likes. Iappreciate your subscribes. If you want to see. More from me your subscribes your subscription gentlemen shooter is a channel for any outdoor hobbyist. Or sportsman I'm going to be getting more fishing videos up. More shooting videos soon. And then the firearms. That I own and of course. More knives and perhaps. More EDC bush craft tactical kind of stuff so um let. Me know what you want to see. And at least give me the thumbs up let. Me know that you like.
Zebco® Authentic 33 Spincast Reel
- Authentic 33 Spincast Reel – Built-in Bite Alert™ audible clicker and pre-spooled with 10-lb.-test line.
- Authentic 33 Max Reel – Built-in Bite Alert™ audible clicker and pre-spooled with 20-lb.-test line.
- Authentic 33 Micro Reels – Spincast and Triggerspin™ versions that are ideal for light fishing situations. Comes pre-spooled with 4-lb. Cajun Line.
Zebco® 808® Saltfisher Spincast Reel
Abu Garcia® Abumatic® SX Spincast Reel

Hi my name is Kevin Malone Abby Garcia product manager. And today I'd like to introduce. You to the next generation of Appomattox pencast Orioles with our all-new Abu Matic SX for us. This is the next level of spring cast design with our. All new snow Birla's casting system. This casting system actually reduces line wear. And improves casting efficiency over time a three bearing system offers smooth. And efficient operation. And our quad cam engagement mechanism offers anglers. And advantage with a faster line pick up the a brew Matic sx also features a lightweight graphite frame. And stainless steel front cone as well. They come pre spooled with Berkeley Charlene XL which makes the real great for a variety of different lures. And species also available as an Abu Matic SX six-foot combo constructed with a graphite composite blank stainless steel guides. And a split grip EBA handle so. If you'd like to learn. More about the all new Abu Matic SX reel. And combo be sure to check them out online at Abu Garcia com.
Zebco® Authentic 33 Ladies Spincast Reel
Line retrieval: 16".
Capacity: 130 yds/10 lb.
Wt: 8.5 oz.
Bass Pro Shops® Stampede™ Spincast Reel
look at. That right now damn grass great. And get out of grass get up oh yeah. Some good something got there yes I'm got. It yes I've got it yep got. It rights it went in the water oh. Isee yeah there's Tilly oh no so long oh yeah oh damn whoo Oh God the off. It was a damn red something man oh my gosh totally slung the hook off okay, so I'm here I'm gonna be talking about the new Bass Pro Shops extreme lightweight think that's for going this is a real. Iused the other day. Ijust loved this opening right here. You cast that thing. That line just goes. And goes it holds like on the other side of the creek. Iwas like casting hold. Each other side of the creek. One time one shot of. Me catching that fish. And then it's a hook. That allows we go on the other side of the creek toss the tip into the weeds there popped. It put into the bank there. And that's I fished shoot. Iabsolutely love it there's only two issues.
Ihave with this real does come with three options are three models. It has to let me go down scroll down here. This is the e x SC eight which has a. All have three plus. One ball bearings all have a next drag of nine pounds. We wait basically it gets a little heavier as. It goes up and the smallest. One has the six to 125 line capacity with a twenty-three point nine inches per turn. Ican see you can just read. It here from the screen. This model at the bottom here the e x SC 12. That has the line capacity of 12. And 150 I'm using braided line in. It no issues at all except for the. One I'm going to go over let. Me scroll up here let. You are looking at or interested in. This like with I bought a bait caster never use the bay cast casting rib before. Ididn't like them no. Ihaven't suggest it every single time it's a pain in the ass. Ithought I just want the back.
And just put on their cat's eye things start going with. This thing I mean its kind of like a mad considered like a hybrid like. You like it's got the star drag here. You can just it's got three chrome plated stainless steel bearings plus. One roller bearing for smoothness they've got their famous power lock instant anti reverse with the 4 point 6 to 1 gear ratio see the frame cover fleming spool are. All aluminum at all metal gears in. It but it's like a star dragon just like on the bait caster. Nothing just tell you the flies out of their let. Me get the other side of. You can see that part of the real there at the upper view let. You aren't interested in. This is think $2999 s at the Bass Pro Shops but let.
This other one with appear. This on so the other day it's not the lightweight. It says it's just the extreme spin kestrels 1997 let. You it's the same just has a kind of different color the holes. That are round the outside of a juror it's the same damn rail let. You color a little bit different but it's the same thing it's got the same nine pounds drag it's got. It doesn't go up to the 12. It has the eight and 12 is just the 8. It doesn't have the 12 so. Ithink I'm going to give. This thing just to have. And then you my drilling we're out for the day have them side by side casting and see. They do against you just. Each other but let you the thing the. On the issue I have the puzzle 9 pound drag. This thing off of casting in. That last sip here. We go with take half in here what's. Or what's going on with the sing. That last video clip there is a line like a hair line. This thing is pieced together a piece of plastic up top.
You can see it's like a very fine but. It is a break it up in there. How long heat it guys I'm trying to get. It in the camera my goodness okay right. Idon't know you can see. It but right in here. It goes straight up after here. It goes like this right there right here see a little plastic it's like stuck up the way. This thing is molded basically. You cast out sometimes. This will go under this cap plastic cap. And we've caught up. You see we're like at. This annuity the call under here just like. That see and call make. It snagged you go to cast. It gets caught under here. And you're like it just drops that's my issue so. Igot to fix that can. Some fine get some fine fan paper just hear. And fill something I don't know but I'm telling I'm loving this love the truth so anyway. You go on guys it's about there. If y'all interested in the big casting reel. And you're not digging them. Or not liking them in just.
Another option for y'all to try. This thing's not expensive it's pretty inexpensive especially with. This one's on sale right. Now for 19 actually 1997 so like 10 bucks off the regular price so anyway y'all have a good one.
Zebco® 888 Spincast Reel
Abu Garcia® Abumatic® STX Spincast Reel

Hi my name is Kevin Malone Abby Garcia product manager. And today I'd like to introduce. You to the next generation of the AB Maddox pink-ass family with the all-new Abu Matic s available in. Both a 10 and 15 size reel the a be mad at guess features our signature s cosmetic along with the new ergonomic design also available our Abu Matic s pink-ass combos available in. Both a six foot and six foot six combos the Abu Matic s combos feature tubular glass blank stainless steel gods with stainless steel inserts. And EBA split grips a two bearing system gives. You a smooth and efficient operation. And then we've got a graphite construction along with the stainless steel cone. Both AB mimetic gasping cash reels will come preschool with Berkley trial in Excel which makes. It great for a variety of different lures. And species so if you're interested in the all-new Abu Matic reels. Or combos be sure to check them. All out online on Abu Garcia calm.