Top 8
Rinehart® 3D™ Jimmy Big Tine Archery Target
40"L x 48"H.
Weight: 100 lbs.
GlenDel™ Buck Four-Sided 3-D Target
Rinehart Woodland Buck 3-D Target
29"L x 30"H.

What's up everybody today I'm going to give. You a review and break down the Rhine hart woodland buck 3d target right out of the box. This thing looked impressive. Ishoot a lot of targets. Iblow through a lot of targets. And my buddies we shoot often so. We rip a lot of targets out right out of the box. This thing looked great on. You had the head the body the vital inserts the vital insert pegs which hold the vital in place. It came with two solid stakes to hold the deer up which not. All targets come with which. Iwas really impressed with. That a lot of times. Ihave to use rebar fabricate my own. One came with you can see here in the video. This thing up in less. Then a minute and I'm ready to start shooting at. Now it's time to get down to the meat. And potatoes of this target to start shooting it first.
Few shots into vitals sounded real good dead solid the target just stopped the arrows with minimum penetration. Everything looked great. Idid shoot a few into the body as well just to kind of test. And see the difference between the vitals. And the body work and here's the conclusion is. You should be shooting the vitals. You shouldn't be shooting the body of. Any 3d target you should be shooting the vitals are a self-healing foam which makes arrow pulled out very easy. And not only you blow out the vitals. You can replace and you're not going to replace the body. Unless you're buying a whole new target so. Ican tell you pulling the arrows out of the body is much tougher. It is a tough thick plastic type material versus the self-healing. That the vitals are so but again. That was all for extensive testing purposes again I'm very pleased with the way the vitals are the vitals are very detailed as.
You can see it has the heart the pump station built into. This particular deer the deer itself is not. That large I would say it's the size of a small doe maybe. Even a large fawn the antlers look great on. Everything about this target for me. It was worth every bit of money. Ihave spent the only flaw really. Ican see with this particular target is the antlers are real flimsy as. You can see here they just kind of hold in every time. This target the antlers sometimes fall out but a little bit of silicone. That solved my issues but. Igot the antlers to stay in place with a little bit of silicone other. That target a one overall it's a great target. Ihighly recommend it I'm still shooting this target today probably already put over five hundred arrows into.
This target still going on the first vital have not ordered a replacement. Yet in conclusion the Rhine hart target handles well. It performs well it's well detailed it's well-built. Iwould highly recommend the Reinhardt target the only flaw is the antlers. And that's easily fixable for me. It was anyway so a little bit of silicone boom you're good to go as always. This video helped if you're looking on the market for a 3d target hit. That thumbs up button. It helped that subscribe button so. You have easy access to. All of our new videos which we've been pumping out a lot of. And follow us on Facebook. And Twitter for also to give-aways promotions. Everything else that we're thanks for watching have a good.
Cabela's Flex Pull with FriXion Fighter Arrow Lube
Puller color: Black.
Rinehart Coyote Target
22”H x 23”W.
Wt: 35 lb.

Delta McKenzie 3-D Porcupine Target
26"L x 14"H. Made in USA.
Wt: 10 lbs.

Cabela's Barricade High-Performance Target
18"H x 18"W x 14"D.
Wt: 17 lbs.

This is the Cabala's barricade XD target welded core technology extends target life helps eliminate pass-throughs. And makes arrow removal easy stops arrows flying up to 300 feet per second target spots on. All four sides increased target life. And allow you to shoot broad heads on the front. And back few points on. All four sides this is Cabala's barricade XD.
BlackOut™ Six-Sided Foam Archery Target
18"H x 18"W x 16"D.
Wt: 18 lbs.