Top 19
Abu Garcia® Revo® MGX Spinning Reel

Most of our guys know from kicking their ass TV here with. Another quick video. This is just an IPRC unboxing they access to. Me a lot of clothing and stuff. And also you like to share with. You guys one of them was really cool. This in the mail I actually didn't know. Iwas getting this in the mail. All the super plump super excited but started off big special things. We wear see if you're sending me. This stuff and also big special things. You guys for all the support. You could please give. This video a thumbs up health support your channel. And motivates you keep making these so thank. You guys so much, so I'm jumping in I'm just gonna start off with the clothing on they sent. Ithink I'll have one of the reboot hats on right. One of their headwear shirts. And also is sending a flat bill right here it's just a regular tee a plateau. Iwould go see a standard had also rather see a sweatshirt pretty sick I'm gonna be wearing. That starting to get cold. Ihave a repo sweatshirt. Or not sweatshirt reboot t-shirt that's a great. Another Apple Garcia t-shirt that's just black so standard University t-shirt mesons red. And tons of their decals little stickers I'm sure I'll be putting all over the place. And then one of their catalogs trashes other wheels. Some rods sweatshirts shirts. Everything that can look through. And that's everything in. That box let's get to the interesting stuff. Something you guys plug. It up so jumping all over.
Now I'm not gonna surprise. You guys too much through. This is Mircea breve OSX. Iactually have used. One before I really like. Ireally like it I've used. One I've also used the aura which the aura it's very inexpensive. And been great really I'm saying this for this. This was just really lightweight it's. Higher quality. Then the Lord as a step above. It I'd really like it's really great real definitely good for my drop shot. This up with some braidsI'm definitely good for like a shaky head. Everything just a really a lot of real. Ireally like you guys aren't looking to spend too much on a spinning reel. Or too much on a reel in general definitely look up. That garcia sx you want to go a little. Cheaper go with the Revo aura which is um. Or not read the diversity. Or which is great as well. Nothing wrong this isn't real it's just. One of their lower profile over the house but here is the guy. Iwanted to talk about. This is the revote mgx spinning reel guys.
And it's phenomenal. And I'm sure I'm going to be doing some reviews on. Both of these you guys want. Me to go in depth with. These right now but I'll definitely make a separate video to actually break down. Everything and what makes. This real phenomenal. And just holding this in my hands guys I'm telling you so why it is ridiculous. How light you guys haven't held at a regular TiVo ngx bait caster. This thing's like half the weight is ridiculous super light. This carbon fiber handle super thin. Imean it's just phenomenal. It looks like a boss to. Imean that's amazing I was really excited. This is very new to have a Garcia. And I've looked up tons of videos over at na but I've really been excited to get. One of these and finally got. One of these I'm not sure. What I want to be using it for if I'm going to use.
It for my drop shot. Or just for a shaky. Most of the time I've been throwing shaky on a bait caster from skipping docks. And stuff just on ebay cast your only time I've been really using a spinning reel has been with. You know drop shotting and stuff, so I'm sure I'm gonna use. This for my drop shot definitely great. Iuse a very drop so every but I'm going to cast out that'll be great as well I'm definitely really pumped to use. This but I'll definitely. You guys know I really like. Iget on the water I'm sure I'm gonna love. It but by holidays right. Now I'm in love with. It super lightweight really compact. That mean it's just a small real great real. And it's gonna be perfect for I'll be wanting music for it but I'll definitely go take. It out on the water test.
And give a review on. What I think about the real. One definitely break. Everything down to it but big special things. That we're gonna see. Ijust pretty much want to show. You guys what I got from him got a couple reels got a lot of clothing some decals a catalog just big special things to them um like. Ididn't even know. This is coming in this Center to. And I'm really thankful for it. And I'm really thankful for all. You guys support thank. You guys so much thank. You guys for all of. You who like my videos comment share my videos. It really means a lot. And stay tuned for more giveaways guys I'm actually going to contact them at University. And I'll see if I'm going to giveaway for you guys. One I'll show you guys are gonna love. You know we'll get everything rolling so thank. You guys so much for the support big special things to have. And Garcia please hit. That like button guys shadow my palm videos I've been posting I'll see.
You guys in the next video after. Iwas a El Molino so just talking women Envy know the kind of track like 91 dan Marino. This guy Michael Rubino's boosting my ego overly focus is far from the time to rest. Now your face growing about whom. They think is the best. Now took a while got the Joker's out of the deck. Now I'm holding all the cards. And just wanna play chess. You talk say it twice so. You meant even say.
Abu Garcia® Revo® Premier Spinning Reel

Tackle direct your life at the Abu Garcia booth were at ICAST 2015. And reveal out about the Garcia we're checking out. Another three ball line up the new premier the series of spinning wheels it's really full sizes 10 through 40 size again the super lightweight in the hand make. It really comfortable to fish with. You need seen things about the here River premiers is a new body system for mi MC six. Or insert than six body system for c6 which are carbon infused material. That has an aluminum gearbox actually in certainty insert molded into. That system again we use our AMG gear system in. This real fully machined gear system. And then I am c6 body system helps maintain. That guesses in perfect alignment give. You super speed gear system so just a really good way to get a very lightweight compact body but still maintain. That strength you need that's really a wealth of knowledge on the technicalities drones are bringing it down decide who's gonna get. This comes in full size for size of 10 perfect so four sizes that's the new ammo Revo premier. You have any questions on. Any other wheels call the number on the screen speak with. One of our product specials they'll be happy to help. You have any questions yeah forward checking out on our website at comm ton of. Greater videos coming your way.
Shimano® IX Spinning Reel
Mitchell® 300 Spinning Reel

The Mitchell 300 Spinning Reel exemplifies a heritage of innovation and advanced technology, enhancing the joy of fishing through simple design, user-friendly features and proven quality. The advanced polymetric body is stronger than conventional polymetric and graphite materials, enabling this reel to withstand years of hard fishing. An eight-bearing system with instant anti-reverse ensures immediate hooksets, and high-performance gearing offers perfect gear mesh, smoothness and durability. The multidisc drag system provides precise adjustment and consistent performance. Bail Halo is designed for increased strength, durability and reduction of line twist to deliver flawless casts and retrieves. Sturdy aluminum handle and spool.
Shimano® Sahara® R Rear Drag Spinning Reel
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Bass Pro Shops® Crappie Maxx® Spinning Reel

They had a trumping madness sale. Iordered some things I'll be doing another. Imade two orders but. Ijust wanted to show y'all. Some stuff I picked up. It was on sale first thing we have is. Some of these marabou. Ipronounce the crappie gee. Ithink Bass Pro had. Inever used Bass Pro jigs like. These but you can't beat. It on guess for two dollars they're like two dollars for ten of them so. Iordered a few packs. These are the white ones. These are all black. You know these are purple. These are we thank. These little short shoes. And green all gray got. Another shot shoes and angry let's see. What else ya got some crappy max squirming squirts there inch. And a half at the time. They are reading chartreuse is really. Some curly tail minnows. They are electric chicken. Another pack of curly tail minnows. These are monkey milk. Another pack of the squirming squirt. These are hot orange. And imperial some B to spin. Ipicked up two of these. Ipicked up like five. Or six of these crop expand. These gonna be very high picking on the Bears clothes yeah. And that's all he's like comment. And subscribe and I'll see y'all next time I'll be doing a part two of. This unboxing it may be a maybe I've been a couple days but I'll see y'all next time.
Daiwa Tatula LT Spinning Reel

What is going on everyone today. Iam out on the water with Alex. Iwanted to do an unboxing because right before. We were leaving this showed up in the mail. You can tell by the title it's the Daiwa — — lat LT spinning reel it's new from last year. Ineeded to order I got a new Phoenix spinning rod. Ineeded something to pair. That with so I ordered. This thing so let's unbox. Iordered from fishing tackle depot. Ihad a 10% off coupon on top here. They gave you a sticker it's pretty cool sticker here's your packing slip. And then there're the goodies right there so here. It is diatom Tula LT. Igot the mm size in the spinning room. Iwas gonna go to 2500 until. Irealized that there 2500 compared to like a Shimano 2500 which is usually. What I use is a lot bigger. Then the Shimano 2500 so it's actually bigger. Then their 3000 size so. Iwent with the mm size. It held a really good amount of a line in the first place. And yeah so let's get into. This so inside your packaging here. You got your dial WA user's manual with.
All the info and inside is your reel handle so. You got your reel handle inside. That package and then. We got the reel itself. And then the parts and stuff right in their get. This thing out of the packaging thing is so lightweight already so alex is trying to catch a hog. Ido my first impression video on. This reel and there. We got the handle on. That thing is just air smooth. It feels like you're reeling absolutely. Nothing I really like the black finish of the reel obviously. This isn't like a review. Ihaven't got any use out of. One of the reasons it is cuz. That the drag was pretty good in. And it's forty dollars cheaper. Than like the dialog ballistic. And the Shimano strata so that's why I decided to pick. This thing up it's got a really sturdy but quiet Bale flip flips open strong closes real strong got the anti reverse switch right there.
This holds 160 yards of eight pound line. And 220 yards of six pounds but I'm gonna be putting fifteen pound braid on. It so it's gonna hold well over 200 yards of 15 pound braid so it's plenty big for what I won't need. It at for instead of getting the 2500 so obviously the features of. You already know if you're looking at. It's five point eight ounces very lightweight six point two to 1 gear ratio it's got 11 pounds of drag 32 inches per turn of the handle. And it's got 6 ball bearings so that's a 2 lair. It features the new machined aircraft grade aluminum digit earring which ensures smooth rotation. And super easy reeling and. Everything this is designed with the air bail. And the air odor which cuts down on the weight. And improves the strength of the reel. And the power of the reel. And the air bail is. What it is it flips open real quiet. And it's real strong. You reel it feels like you're reeling air like.
Isaid before so that's the air rotor. They put in here this thing is just so quiet overall I'm pretty impressed right. Now out of the box I haven't got to use. Yet obviously it's just my first impression video I'm just telling you guys about. And my initial thoughts so like. Isaid right now I'm pretty impressed. Ican't wait to use. This coming up on my BF L in Champlain, so I'll see.
Offshore Angler Breakwater Surf Spinning Reel
Team Lew's® Custom Pro Speed Spin® Spinning Reel

Bill McDonald team lose Pro here talk to. You about a couple reels. We got out these are new spinning reels. These will be introduced at ICAST 2018. These are for the 2019 season. We actually have four of these half. We have a team lose custom Pro speed spin as a 1000 2000 3000. And 4000 this is the 2000 here's the 3000 here does the amount found a line. They hold it's a six two to. One retrieve the 1000 is a five two to. One retrieve that the two to three to four. All six two to one the c60 Lumina frame on. You want to back drill. You just flip the switch right there. You can back real with them 22 pounds of drag on them the two thousand here holds 160 yards of line the three thousand here holds a 180 yards of line 22 pounds of drag on these rods. These reels these right here with the mark rose ledge rod series is. What I've been throwing these off so. If you're wanting at the ultimate spinning reel in my opinion that's out there for the price point. You know we're 12999. And like said these will be introduced dear July. Icast so these will be available 2019 so. If you're looking go to lose comment take a look at their spinning reels. This is a team lose customs pros speed spin.
Shimano® Sedona® Spinning Reels

we've got a ton of new stuff but one that's really going to pique the masses curiosity will be our brand new Sedona the Sedona spinning reel is actually
Pflueger® Summit XT Spinning Reel
Hello star Facebook evangelist with. Another episode of retail therapy last time. We did an unboxing of the fluid gear was a Plunger limited edition those are really hard to find now but. One of my favorite reels. You can find them on eBay. You can find some sizes on different sites but mostly the big 40 40 X plus sizes. Ineeded to get another 30 X. We really couldn't find what I wanted but. Ineeded something to pair with my orange carrot stick so. What I got was the Plunger supreme X T. Now the Schlueter supreme XT is black. And orange it matches perfectly with my carrot stick, so we're going to unbox. And check and after. This season I'll tell. It is but I know Bubba has. One already and he's been using it. He fell in love with. It too it's super lightweight like the president it's got a smooth real. And it's just a beast of a system. Igot on sale for 99 dollars. Because Amazon was having a twenty-twenty percent off sale so. This normally goes for 149. It was on sale for a hundred net 129 puts an additional twenty percent off so. Iended up getting it for four $99 which is a really good deal from Supreme X T. Because it's one of their top-of-the-line reels, so we're going to unbox. And take a closer look at. It okays here is the flooger president box for all familiar with. These boxes so let's get. This open alright so. We got real it looks like it's already put together sometimes. We don't have the actual handle screwed in. You have screwed yourself. Iguess the file they can ship in such a compact box like a plastic.
All right there we go witness the greatest let. Me tighten this up there. We go okay there it is the flooger supreme xt says the 61 gear ratio got 10 bearings smart retrieve technology 21 percent lighter. Than an aluminum real. It has a carbon handle. And the drag is 10 pounds so max tracks 10 pounds its only six point eight ounces so. This is perfect for an institution. You know you want to drop shot. Or toss Kinkos or the soft plastics. What you need this is a 30 X. It looks a little bit smaller. What you're usually familiar with. Imean a 3000 you fish with a lot of three thousands. This looks like more like a two thousand but that's. How Plunger does their reels. This is the 30x it's perfect, so I'm going to pull. This up with some high visibility J braid. And then I'm going to use. Another finesse system. Ilove to knit fish. All look in efficient. Everything I do crank baits jerk baits. Ido top water and frogs. And in ChatterBait I do spinner baits but.
Nothing is more relaxing to. Me then finesse fishing I just love. If you're going to finish fish. You want a light setup. And flooger is one of the best out there. Imean it's the best bang for your buck. Idid have a strategy. Ifor which is also lightweight cost a little bit. More money but you don't want to spend strategy. Ifor money flooger supreme xt. You can find it Plunger president limited-edition would be the. One to get it's just a beautiful wheel. And she's so smooth so quiet. It doesn't make a single sound can. You hear nothing you know it's perfect. And I'll show what this looks like.
It on my carrot stick. And that's I will see. You guys on the next episode of retail therapy. More stuff more gear to show. More real to show and probably a month maybe a month. And a half for out on the water fishing peace up.
Penn® Battle II Spinning Reel

It's really nice having a store like. This with a bunch of reels to be able to come shop in so here. We are the battle — that's a 3000 series here. It is a 2500 all right got a choice to make. Either 2500 or the 3000 I'm thinking the 3000 for a good saltwater real love Cabala's being super close to home. That is awesome so the pin battle -. This is the 3000 series. And I've never used a pin spinning rail much less a bait caster ever before. And we are going to see. What it's all about ok so first off let's thank. All the patrons out there. Ireally appreciate. It's because of your contributions. That this review is going to. Even be possible before the month of September is completely done with. Iwill do a giveaway. And one of you lucky patrons out there is going to be able to use. This thing lets's open. This thing up and see. What she looks like gosh. This thing is heavy. Imean it is really heavy not. That it matters but just for my own knowledge. And sake we're gonna measure. It that is twelve point two ounces for the pin battle 3000. And the only thing that. Ihave to compare it to is. What I currently use. And that's my Shimano sustain 4000. That is 121 ounces with a full spool of fishing line. It comes in right under 01 ounce lighter could be a good thing could be a bad thing a good thing in. That if you're thinking about quality well.
It is heavy the material. That this thing is made with is pretty stout so that's the good thing bad thing well. Whenever you're casting all day long with. Something like this. You want it to be as light as. You possibly can get. It but also strong enough to be able to withstand everyday abuse. And how do I get this thing on so. Idon't know we'll see time will tell. Most definitely whenever. We get our there and start actually catching fish with. It and using it's got a lot of resistance. Whenever you're reeling its. It doesn't flow smoothly but for the amount of money. That we spent on it's roughly about a hundred. And twelve dollars with tax that's with a military discount first impression looks nice very bold colors at.
That matte black finish with a gunmetal crank. And a nice big saltwater style handle nice sounding drag I'm telling you. What spin rails they that's. Where it's at when. You want to hear that really good drag sound listen to. That pretty nice very stout reel gonna do a full test review on. This and hopefully it's going to be able to handle. Everything that I put. It through I have got to Reese pull. This bad boy with some new fishing line take a look at. That's what happens. Whenever you don't follow the manufacturers recommendations we're gonna go try. And find some 30 pound braid. Because that right there was 65 pound. And I took the cheap route wanted to use.
Some of my old 65 pound test. And it did not work out. Some new fishing line on there that's 30 pound see. What this guy is capable of handling 30 pound test line. If anything it's going to be the hook. That bends I tell you. What this could pin battle to get the job done. Imean he's got a smooth drag look at. That at a nice price point too he's a he's a nice over slot right there. We go we got it that's a nice. One pulling some drag. You got to be kidding me that's a little shark well at least the battles getting a little workout man. Ithought I had like. Something really nice on he's got a lot of head shakes cinch down. That drag a little bit. More I think we got a read on the line. Ijust got some color of. It oh that's a nice red boy. That guy hit it yeah baby boy. This pin battle — bringing them in like. It ain't nothing oh let's see. What he did he straightened out. That look at that. Iput too much pressure on him.
Both hooks inside his mouth -. That was a nice-sized red oh my god. Icannot believe I just lost them the drag is definitely smooth it's got. What it takes to bring in. Some nice size upper slots. Ibrought in an over slot. And then like mid slot Reds with. This thing and the drag was flawless. It did not fail me. It holds a lot of line so that's a plus in my book as well approximately. What did I get on here a hundred. And fifty yards of 30 pound test. And we still have room for some so. Ithink the manufacturer rates. It as being able to spool with about 180 yards of line. And you can definitely tell. That's the case let's see. What else do I got to say about. It that's pretty much.
It just trying to keep. This review basic and simple just letting you know as. Iused it and applied. It to fishing what it. What it was capable of doing it's a really good reel. And at the price point it's. Imean it's within reach for the majority of. You anglers out there is like I've spent a touch over $100 so. Ithink it's like 108 dollars to be exact somewhere around there. And you get a great bang for your buck as I'm going to consider. This like a little above entry level. This reel is great so the. Few things and this is just. Me being nitpicky so. All upin lovers out there go ahead. Ialready feel you hitting the thumbs down button but. Imean I'm just gonna say. It this thing is heavy. It is a tank so my 4000 series spinning reel was spooled with a full spool of braid. And it weighed in at just shy of what this reel came in with zero braid. Or zero line on its spool so it's kind of heavy. And the main reason why I went. And I stopped using some of my other reels.
When I became a full-time fisherman was. Because they were heavy. They were big they were bulky. They were hurting my wrist. They were taking a beatin day after day out there long hours on the water eight hours plus sometimes for some days like an average day actually. And that equates to just being fatigued. And that is the only other thing but. That may not bother the majority of y'all out there. Because you're probably going to just use. It over the weekend. It is a great reel I am by no means talking down to. This thing pin y'all have built a winner. And it is magical at its price point definitely hard to beat. Isee what the fuss is about. And I know why pin lovers gravitate towards.
These things because. They are tanks okay so. That is it I've got. Some fish busting up on bait behind. Me I am going to get back to. Some fishing I want to thank. You all for watching this review video. Ihope it helps some of. You out there that we're possibly just looking at. This reel trying to research. It is a winner good luck. If you do buy it gets out their fish. It put it through the paces. And I guarantee you're not going to be disappointed. If you liked the video click. That thumbs up and. If you're not subscribed to the channel. And want to see more reviews. Iwill be doing them on a monthly, so we'll see. What the next fishing reel is going to be.
That we can bring out here into the field see. How it's going to handle. And if it's worth what everybody hypes. It up to be this thing thumbs up it's a winner alright so next time tight lines everyone.
Daiwa Fuego LT Spinning Reel
Shimano® Ultegra™ Spinning Reel

Hey it's Josh over J. And H today we're taking a look at the Shimano I'll tag reserve spinning reels. This is the ult 5500 XS see. This is basically perfect for a 10 foot 10 foot 6 rods. This reel is new to the American market but it's been around overseas especially in Europe for several years. Or a couple years it's originally a carp reel the Shimano broader over here is a long casting surf field. You can see how slowly the school is moving up. And down they call. It a slow oscillation. And basically the point of. When the line goes on the rail. That goes parallel as opposed to. You know Criss crossing over. Each other as your spool. Or not for retrieving and. What this does is when you're casting it reduces friction. It allows you to cast farther so. This reel is specifically designed for long casting that's its. One sort of big feature it's got an aluminum body with a graphite rotor it's with the aluminum spooled. These reels come with a free spare school in the box it's got the stepped on handle which is nice and comfortable. And the long you can see the oversized aluminum handle which is great. These are a it's automatic in. You could force it to trip over but Shimano wants. You to use your hand the reason for this. They make it difficult to snap over so. You have to worry about breaking a line.
That kind of stuff the drag system on. This is really cool too powerful. You know 20 pounds of drag but what's cool about. That with just a single turn of the drag knob you're really ramping up so. When you're fishing right. They have a little bit drag only. You know one full turn you've really got a serious amount of drag so. When you're out sir fishing you don't have to worry about. Igot to turn the knob five six times to tighten down the drag. They call it their quick drag rinse. And drag and that's a really neat feature to have five ball bearings in. It's got Shimano Zac ship in. It so it's nice and smooth the gearing is great it's got the. You know Dyna balanced rotor so it's going to reduce wobble really nice and smooth real. This the 5500 side is going to hold about 270 yards of 40 pound test braid so a lot of break.
This really is designed for someone who wants to casteau really for distance in. And out sealed they don't have gaskets on them it's its just a long casting rail so. If you're fishing from the beach. You want to just throw the thing a mile throw. Some braid on here it's definitely a great option. They retail for about 190 bucks. And it's nice and light. It weighs in at just under 18 ounces a lot of guys want to know yes. You can switch the handle over left. And right so you can fish with. Either way and like. Isaid before we come to the free special in the box. And it's aluminum so check. It put it's the brand-new Shimano Altera ult 5500 XS c surf spinning reels. They are in stock and available at JH com.
Bass Pro Shops® Quick-Draw Spinning Reel
Daiwa Laguna Spinning Reels
Everybody this is captain ed burger from the taffy Direct Pro staff welcome to our beautiful new 25000 square foot facility in Egg Harbor Township New Jersey it's our warehouse it's our call center. Where our product specialists are constantly answering your questions. And it's also this beautiful new showroom that's just full of new equipment. And speaking of new equipment today we've got. Something very special for you I'm gonna show. You a line of equipment from daya. Nobody else has seen before. This is 2013 2013 gear. Some of which will be available in late 2012 dialo came out with an entire new line of new reels. We brought an expert to explain them to. You captain Chris galley is here from daya WA we're gonna go through a wide variety of different items. This specific item that we're gonna take a look at right.
Now is a prototype cam Chris always great to have. You back here a tackle driver having me really excited to have. You back here talking about little. These brand-new products for 2013 -. And before we get into the Lacuna 5bi let's talk just for a minute about dial WA well dial as. You know has been synonymous with quality control building innovative products great customer service. And really just uh a well-known brand internationally. And here in the States so let's talk just for a minute about the Lacuna 5bi interesting so much research so much technology. You know they shoot for their higher line reels mid line reels. Some lower line rules get the benefit from. That absolutely you can see. That four-digit year design our spooling system. Or ABS spooling system an e reverse is infinite dead-on as soon as.
You stop it stops this a great starter reel for somebody who's. Either buying a spinning reel for their kids. You know if they know. They don't take care of their gear. You know there are guys. That have that mentality. They want to buy you know their bio real. And they're just gonna keep on beating it. You know no absolutely. This here is the 3000 size the 4000 slightly larger it's perfect for. That family or for the father. That wants to buy something for the kids over soup super price point. You know you got a lot. Than $40 worth of technology in. This particular piece of gear absolutely. You guys want more information on the Lacuna 5bi. Any of the dialog products. You can call one of our tackle direct product specialists at. One eighty-eight eight three five four seven three five of course. You can chop 24/7 to tackle direct calm. Or stop by our beautiful new showroom here twenty-five thousand square feet of saltwater stuff.
Some fresh water too right here in Egg Harbor Township New Jersey I'm captained ed burger from the tackle direct Prostaff along with captain Chris good to see. You here thank for having me. And we'll see you guys out on the water you.
Ardent Finesse Spinning Reels

You guys what's going on thanks for coming back. And checking on my channel today. What I want to do is a video I've been wanting to do for a long time it's a product review of. One of my favorite spinning rods. Ihave in my arsenal. That is the ardent edge spinning rod so basically. What I want to do is. Iwant to do a thorough review of. Iwant to go from the first from the tip go through the guides go. All the way down through the end of the handle. And kind of tell what I like. And don't like about the rod. What the benefits of. This rod is so I want to start with the blank first of. All it's a tour a carbon blank so basically it's its going to be a lot stronger. Some other rods I really like the carbon rods almost. All my rods are carbon rods. And that's just my personal preference the specific rod has an exclusive cloth wrap to give it. That extra strength so. This rod I've had. This rod in a lot of different states. Ifished a lot of different tournaments it's been in a lot of different boats there's absolutely no indication of. Any kind of wear and tear on.
This rod so starting with the tip. This is a super sensitive tip. Everything with this rod. This is a 7-foot medium power fast action rod. Ihaven't had any problems with the sensitivity I'll feel the smallest of bites. And of course you've hit with a hammer. And that's gonna go with. Any rod but as far as really sensitive bites like fishing an ed rig. Or fishing a shaky head. Something small and finesse. This rod picks that up great little tip is awesome. It has plenty of backbone to bring in those oops lost my lure those big fish so. Ireally really liked the strength in the sensitivity of. This rod the guides are micro guides. Ireally noticed that down here. This first guide right here is quite a bit smaller. Some other rods. That I've used over the years so the micro guides really help increase the casting distance. And Katz casting accuracy especially with. How much tip this rod has so those are two really really good features there's seven rod guides.
Or line guides and then there's the tip so. You have 7 plus the tip the guides are on they're very strong. Ihaven't had any problems with them coming loose. Or coming out of the little rap. That it's in right there so that's giving me absolutely no troubles whatsoever. All right, so I've gone through the rod tip sensitivity. That guides the blank let's come down to the reel seat first of. All it's its got a split grip handle which. Ireally really like. Idon't like the straight shank ones. Ireally actually prefer the split grip handles over. Any other handles that I've used the reel seat doesn't just work with our tech products. It works with any spinning reel I've had a couple of different reels on there. It holds it just fine. Now the real-life paired. This rod with is the ardent sea force 2000 so there.
Iabsolutely love the spinning reel. And in combination with the rod it's super lightweight. That carbon blank is super lightweight. And the reel has a lot of carbon as well I'm not going to go through the features of the reel. Ialready did a real review on the ardency force 2000 so go ahead in my library. And check that out but. Ireally really like. This combination it's really awesome the handles they're not cork it's a very soft material. Idon't exactly know. What it is but it's extremely strong so. Me being a KO'ing or. Iam fishing in a tournament. Iobviously fishing on the passenger side of the boat. And a lot of the bass boats have those little cutouts. You can put rods I've put. This thing in and out of. Several of those it has absolutely no signs of wear. Some cork rods that are actually starting to chip away. And people away with. This I'll bring it up close.
You can see has absolutely no indications of those. That wear and tear so as far as the durability of the handle. And the comfort of the handle it's absolutely awesome I'm super impressed with. It ok so let's go down to the hook keeper it's right there ok there're pros. And cons to I was going to say. That there's a con to. This rod that would be. It but it's only in certain situations so. Igo fishing by myself. Iput my rods in my rod mule a hollow. And from my truck to my boat. Ihave absolutely no problems with. Where the bait keeper is on the flip side of. When I'm fishing in a tournament. And I'm putting the rod inside of those cutouts in the basket boat for the on the passenger side of the boat. Inotice that my baits come off of there. They go into about like right there on. Some bass boats especially. If they have the circular cutouts as opposed to the horizontal shaped cutouts so. Iactually stick my rod grip into. That hole I've noticed my bait comes out.
And my line comes off. And of course it's gonna get tangled. And stuff, so I did come up with a fix with. That it's the only modification. That I've made to this rod. And it's adding a Cali clip. If you've never seen a Cali clip. It is a product made by Cal Coast fishing so. What it's meant to do is. It holds a drop shot weight so. You can hook your hook on to your reel. Even maybe the outside edge of. One of these guides. And then you can use. This to hold your drop shot weight. You can use it there's a hole right there. You can see it on my thumb side there. You can put a hook so. It in here behind the reel seat like so. And then get my lure up here of course isn't. That rig on there and then. You simply don't see. Ican get swinging see.
It simply clips it in there. It holds it rights there so. When I'm fishing in a tournament. And I'm in that particular situation that's. What I do all right so. Iwant to talk about pricing of. This rod I've fished with every kind of rod for a $200 spinning rod. All the way down to a fifty dollar spinning rod that's about the range. That I've fished this rod is priced perfectly it's priced right in the middle of there at. One twenty-nine ninety-nine on tackle warehouse it's also priced at. One forty-nine ninety-nine on an artist website don't ask. Me the reason for the difference in the price. Ihave absolutely no idea but. You can also pick this up at the National Pro staff store at national Pro Staff com.
This rod is priced the same as its price on tackle warehouse is. One $2999 I have a promo code for the National Prostaff store which is Gasper 25 I'm gonna put. It somewhere up here. Idon't know what's. That I'm gonna put it on until. This video but Gasper 25 go ahead. And check out the National Pro stuff store. You can get this real. You can get the rod there as well. And save yourself a couple of bucks so get. You down right around $100. One of the many advantages to using ardent products is. They stand behind their product better. Than just about any other company. That I've known of as far as rods. And reels are concerned Arden guarantees their reels for three years.
They guarantee their rods for one so. Anything goes wrong with your rod within. One year you send it back to Arden. And they'll get you haven't subscribed to my channel. Yet please subscribe to my channel give. Me a thumbs up you like the videos always be sure to check the description for links to the products promo codes etc so until next time. You guys tight lines.
Mitchell MagPro R Spinning Reels

Hey what's going on guys welcome to altars addiction. Ihaven't uploaded a video in quite a. While like, I said in my last previous video. Or previous videos with the Ness work has taken a toll on. Me long hours makes for long weeks. It kind of took the motivation out of. Me for their doing any sorts of fishing physically stressed mentally stressed with. These long hours man. Any time out of my day its I'd rather spend. It with my family my kids. And my wife and well. Ilogged into my youtube account. And seen I have surpassed a 300 subscriber mark which. Ithink y'all I can't say. Anything more has thanked. You guys and thank. You guys for watching and in the comments. Everything like one other thing is. Ihad a subscriber contact. Me by email on one of my giveaways since. Ileave my email down in the comments for the winners. She had asked if I've noticed. More views more comments. Iput God as the description of the video. Or a giveaway well I never really looked at. That until she said. Something about I do notice. That there're more views. More comments and things like. It bothers me yeah it's its totally okay. Everybody wants to win. Something free but a subscriber to my channel has asked. If I'm able not to put. That in the description for my next giveaway which is. This video I agreed to. Idon't want to see. If it's a female I gotta say is. That it's a subscriber. Iagreed to and I'm not gonna put giveaway as the description. This is the giveaway. Iwent shopping earlier to Walmart had a good two groceries. Some pampers for my newborn grandchild not really newborn he's going on three months my little next fishing partner gotta get him out the water out fishing when he's old enough got.
Some pampers there more Panthers white bees. You know — I still think I'm too young to be a grandpa but. What it is and no regrets oh. We only live one life. And gotta live it to the fullest guys as. You can see some of my ice fishing gear here from the last time. We went out we caught was a belly full of noodles of ramen noodles but. What I got guys and hopefully. You guys like I want to thank. You guys once again for 300. It was 301 I barely surpassed the 300 subscriber mark. What I got at Walmart hope. You guys like it's mostly for pan fishing and sorry for the mess in the back of my truck here guys. This is the Mitchell Avocet 1000 R — see. Iwould say it's for pan fishing more. Anything but you can fish with your reels. And rods for whatever fish is.
You want to go for and here's. Some information on the back. One of these personally. One of my ultralight rods has four ball bearings five for one gear ratio. And a half inches per turn per crank seven. And a half pounds of max drag. And the weight it's only eight ounces half a pound. And there's the mono capacity as. You can see the break capacity. All mine I have brayed ten pound braid equals. Ithink is about the same as a two pound mono filament. All know braid stronger but it's not good for all occasions. Now I'm going to try to keep. This video under five minutes so. Ican get it uploaded for you guys. This is the giveaway. That got hope you guys like. You guys are interested in.
This is the Mitchel Avocet 1000 are. One of these like I said personally I'm. One of my other rods. It to death guys see. That the drag systems at the bottom instead of the top. That very much yeah there. It goes guys well you guys for watching outdoors addiction thank. You guys so much for watching comment like. And subscribe like always. And to qualify for the giveaway. You guys to do is tell. What kind of giveaways. You guys would like to see in the future. It doesn't always have to be about fishing maybe it's things. That you're into something outdoors ish. Idon't know manly ish. Idon't know like I'm into like safety razors.
And colognes fishing sports. You have anything any ideas. You know just shoot them down in the comments below. Iwant to thank you guys. Once again guys until next time guys peace.
Penn Spinfisher® VI Long Cast Spinning Reel

Hey it's Josh over J. And H today we're taking a look at the pen spin Fisher v SS V 6500 BLS spinning reels. This is the ballast model pen analysis. Ithink over the summer. And it's finally here guys have been waiting for it. You know fall fishing coming around. Now the ballast version is perfect for surf fishing you know. If you've never seen a Bliss real obviously there's there's no bail it's very easy to use. You know once your cast out. You just use your finger for the line back on the roller. And that's it guys like the ballast version. You don't have to worry about the bail snapping over breaking your line in losing a 20. Or $30 plug other that it's exactly the same so looking at. All metal construction it's. All aluminum and the big thing with the spin fishers are. They have the seal so there's a seal here the seal by the handle the seal on the body. You know seal drag and stuff to keep out water. And stand you can dunk. These reels you can't turn them turn the handle. While you're underwater but. You can dunk them then get splash. That kind of stuff you don't have to worry about. When you're done just rinse them off keep them clean. You know you don't have to open. It up every single time. You use the reel 30 pounds of drag on.
This set pens uh you know HT 100 drag washers as. You can see right there great straining system it's going to hold. You know three hundred yards. All three are just 50 pound test braids which is perfect for surf fishing you know you're. Then enough line it's got the braid rings on the spool so. You can see where you're at. You know this is a full two-thirds one-third. You could see where your line is. And the real weighs just twenty-three ounces so it's not. That heavy it's definitely solidly built a 5 point 6 to 1 gear ratio 6 6 ball bearings again it's a really smooth real lumina handle comfortable it's rubberized knob football shapes with pen calls. It fits really nicely in your hand. They retail for just about 160 bucks. And it's a great real. You know if you're surfing and. You don't want to pony up for a Vance. All just this is definitely the next best option also check.
It put it's the pen spin Fisher ssv 6500 BLS spinning reel Bayless. And they're in stock. And available at JH calm.